Circadian rhythms

Cards (4)

  • One strength of research into circadian rhythms is it provides an understanding of adverse consequences when they are disrupted
    night workers engaged in shift work experience a period of reduced concentration around 6 in the morning (a circadian trough) meaning mistakes and accidents are more likely.
    Research has also pointed to a relationship between shift work and poor health - shift workers are 3x more likely to develop heart disease
    This shows that research into the sleep/wake cycle may have real-world implications in terms of how to manage worker productivity.
  • studies investigating the effects of shift work tend to use correlational methods meaning it is difficult to establish whether desynchronisation of the sleep/wake cycle is actually a cause of negative effects.
    There may be other factors. For example, Solomon concluded that high divorce rates in shift workers might be due to the strain of deprived sleep and other influences such as missing out on important family events.
    This suggests that it may not be biological factors that create the adverse consequences associated with shift work.
  • A strength of research into circadian rhythms is that it has been used to improve medical treatments.
    Circadian rhythms co-ordinate a number of the body's basic processes such as heart rate, digestion and hormone levels.
    These rise and fall during the course of a day which has led to medical treatment being administered so it corresponds to a person's biological rhythms.
    For example aspirin as a treatment for heart attacks is most effective if taken last thing at night.
    This shows that circadian rhythm research can help increase the effectiveness of drug treatments.
  • A limitation of research into circadian rhythms is that generalisations are difficult to make.
    The studies are based on very small samples of participants.
    It seems that sleep/wake cycles may vary widely from person to person.
    Research found individual differences in sleep/wake cycles varying from 13 to 65 hours. and a study revealed that some people have a natural preference for going to bed early and rising early
    This means that it is difficult to use the research data to discuss anything more than averages. which may be meaningless