14 disorders and treatment

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  • benign prostatic hyperplasia nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate; frequently develops with age; also called benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • cryptorchidism Failure of the testis to descend into the scrotum
  • epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis; common causes are the UTI's and STI's
  • erectile dysfunction (ED) Inability of the male to perform intercourse because of failure to initiate or maintain and erection until ejaculation; impotence
  • impotence erectile dysfunctions
  • infertility decreased capacity to produce offspring
  • inguinal hernia protrusion of the intestine or other abdominal organ through the inguinal canal or through the wall of the abdomen into the scrotum
  • ochitis Inflammation a testis; may be caused by injury, mumps, virus, or other infections
  • prostatitis Inflammation of the prostate gland; often appears with UTI, STI, and variety of other stresses
  • sexually transmitted infection (STD) Infection spread through sexual activity also called sexual transmitted disease (STD) and formerly venereal
  • urethritis Inflammation of the urethra; often caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia infections
  • sterility complete inability to produce offspring
  • herniorrhthaphy surgical repair of a hernia
  • prostatectomy surgical removal of the prostate
  • vasectomy excision of the vas deferens; usually done bilaterally to produce sterility may be accomplished through the urethra
  • bladder neck obstruction (BNO) Blockage of urine flow at the outlet of the bladder, the common cause is benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • balanitis inflammation of the glans penis and mucous membrane beneath it
  • hydrocele The accumulation of fluid in a sac-like cavity, especially within the covering of the testis or spermatic cord
  • priapism Narrowing of the prepuce's opening so hat the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penis
  • phimosis Narrowing of the prepuce's opening so that the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penis.
  • seminoma a tumor of the testis
  • spermatocele an epididymal cyst containing spermatozona
  • varicocele enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord
  • brachytherapy Radiation therapy by placement of encapsulated radiation sources, such as seeds directly into a tumor or nearby tissue
  • castration surgical removal of the testes or ovaries; hormones and drugs can inhibit the gonads to produce functional castration
  • gleason tumor grade a system for assessing the severity of cancerous changes in the prostate; reported as a gleason score
  • whitmore-jewett staging a method for staging prostatic tumors and alternate the TNM staging
  • resectoscope Endoscopic instrument for transurethral removal of tissue from the urinary bladder, prostate glad, uterus or urethra