A group of principles showing how a state or government will function
Main Constitutions to know
1921 Constitution
1947 Constitution
1964 Constitution - the Granting of Independence
1974 Constitution - the Republic
Sette Giugno
Events in 1919 where people were protesting the British Government demanding more political rights and freedom
Formation of Malta's first Self Government
1921 Constitution
Malta had two systems of Administration: Maltese Imperial Government controlled by London, and Maltese Government directed by an Executive Council with seven ministries intended to manage local affairs
The Maltese Imperial Government was led by the Governor General
There was an election in 1921 contested by several political parties
Looking at the names of the Political parties, there was a strong Italianinfluence which was still prevalent in Malta in the opening decades of the 1900s
The 1921 election was won by means of a coalition between two parties: Partito Democratico Nazionalista and the Unione Politica Maltese. The government, however, was short-lived due to disagreements
In 1933, the Nationalist Party led by Enrico Mizzi won the elections by a large majority. As the Nationalist Party had strong ties with Italy and because WWII was looming in the horizon, the British suspended the 1921 Constitution in 1933
In 1940, Mizzi was arrested and imprisoned. In February 1942, Governor Dobbie took out a warrant to deport 47 Maltese to the Uganda, Mizzi amongst them
The 1947 Constitution was granted two years after the end of WWII
1947 Constitution
It provided for Self-Government
UniversalSuffrage to all citizens aged 21 years and over
There were 40 seats in Parliament available for elected Maltese members
The British Governor had the right to control Malta's infrastructure, security, and currency, and could reverse any decision taken by the elected Government of Malta
The 1947 election was won by the Labour Party. At this time, the Labour Party started working for the Integration of Malta with Britain
Malta became Independent on 21st September 1964
1964 Constitution
Malta was Independent from the UK but the Head of the Maltese Government remained the Queen of England (Queen Elizabeth II)
Maltese and English became Malta's two official languages, and both had the same standing
The Maltese National anthem was declared to be the Innu Malti by Dun Karm Psaila
The Maltese Flag came to be officially recognized for the first time
The Roman Catholic faith was recognized as the official religion of Malta
Dr George Borg Olivier became the First MaltesePrimeMinister. Sir Maurice Dorman became the first Governor of Independent Malta, representing the Queen of England
Malta became a Republic, the Head of State no longer remained Queen Elizabeth II. The first appointed President of the Republic was Sir Anthony Mamo