Narratives - Works that provide an account of connected events. Includes novels, dramas, fables, folk tales, short stories, poetry.
Perspective or point of view - Techniques relevant to style, plot and narrative.
Metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, hyperbole, alliteration - Techniques relevant to style or the language chosen to tell a story.
Backstory, flashback, flash-forward, foreshadowing - Techniques relevant to plot, the sequence of events that make up a narrative.
First person, second person, third person, third-person omniscient - Techniques relevant to narrative perspective or who is telling the story.
Themes - The central topic or ideas explored by a literary work. Includes good vs. evil, love, death, redemption, courage and heroism, perseverance, coming of age, revenge, power and corruption, survival, prejudice, war, individual vs. society.
Biography - A detailed description or account of a person's life.
Autobiography - A written account of the life of a person written by that person.
Blog - A web log or a website containing short articles called posts that are changed regularly.
Travelogue - A story of the experiences encountered by someone while touring a place for the pleasure of travel.