Intro- Chin & Indi best but white roma & gyspy fail. Attainment 8 in 21-22= 69.2 for chin but wr&g=22.7 & black car=44
Gillborn&Youdell- tch=↓ expectation of blck stu so ↓ set
Gillborn- bc of label, ↑ likely in detention bc tch see appearance/mannerism as threat to authority
-Fuller- Afr car stu work extra hard, despite racism & label
-Mac&Ghaill- stu actively reject label by avoiding racist tch & associating w/ +ve ones.
2) Ethnocentric curriculum
Tikly- blck ppl invisible in curric, only shown in blck history month, focussed slavery (no social solidarity, hard to learn bc cant relate)
+Coard- agrees, blck ppls art, culture & music= ignored (so ↓ self esteem & ↓ identity)
-Swann Report- afr car maintain ↑ attitude & self image (so ethnocentric curric ignore black ppl but chin & ind not represented but still succeed)
O'Donnell & Sharpe- blck male subculture= form of masc to ↑ respect from peers & F to compensate for ↓ respect from tch, peers, aca so they reject it
Connolly- south asian M seen as immature not deviant. ↓ behaviour= unpunished vs black boys. So not respected so tch can affect self esteem
-Mirza- in 2 london comp, blck girls reject impact of tch racism by overachieving
4) Mat depr =cant afford sufficient basic resources
Platt- Chin= ↑ hrly rate of pay so best (ind 2nd highest in pay & aca achi)
In all ethnicities, fsm did worse
Gilborn& mirza- in all ethncity, mc did best (bc afford tutor)
BUT affects Brit ↑ so cult dep may be ↑ important
wc=inferior norm,value,skill & knowledge -Bourdieu
archer&francis-brit chin= ↑ value on edu
basit- ind & paki= ↑ value bc ↑ opp than country of origin
1st gen immigrant= no knowledge of edu system, ↓confident w/ eng (hw & parent evening)
Sewell- bck afr edu bad bc lone parent fam(no m mo