Getting rid of metabolic waste, substance in excess and toxic substance
Excretion organs
Excretion by lungs
Excretion of CO2
Urinary system structure
ureter carries urine to bladder
Bladder stores urine
renal artery supplies blood to the kidney
Renal vein collects blood from the kidneys
Kidney has a capsule, cortex, medulla, and single nephrons
Keeping the internal environment constant
Maintenance of the water and salt concentration of internal environment relatively constant
Ultrafiltration in the nephron
1. Passage of the plasma and small molecules (glucose, amino acid, urea, uric acid, water, mineral ions) out of the pores of the glomerulus into the Bowman's capsule under high pressure
2. Blood cells and large proteins can't pass out as they are too large to pass out from the capillary pores
Selective reabsorption in the nephron
1. Reabsorption of all glucose and amino acid by activetransport back into the blood
2. Water is reabsorbed by osmosis back into the blood
Loop of Henle
Site of reabsorption of water into the blood
Desert animals have a long loop of Henle to ensure maximum reabsorption of water
Osmoregulation in the collecting duct
ADH (Anti-diuretic Hormone) from the hypothalamus binds to receptors on the collecting duct, increasing water reabsorption resulting in concentrated urine
Tough outer layer to resist mechanical damage
Act as a barrier for entrance of pathogens
Impermeable surface to prevent loss of water
Act as a sense organ for touch and temperature change
Controlling the loss of heat through body surface
Thermoregulatory center in hypothalamus detects temperature changes and sends nerve impulses to:
Higher temperature - Sweat glands release sweat, vasodilation of arterioles, hair erector muscles relax
Lower temperature - Shivering, vasoconstriction of arterioles, hair erector muscles contract
Chemical secreted by a gland and travels through blood plasma to target organs, altering their activity
Hormone secreted by the adrenal gland in response to fear, fight or flight, causing increased heart rate, breathing, glucose release, pupil dilation, and increased muscle respiration
Blood glucose regulation
Pancreas detects changes in blood glucose level
Increased glucose - Insulin stimulates liver to store glucose as glycogen, stimulates glucose breakdown in aerobic respiration
Decreased glucose - Glucagon stimulates liver to break down glycogen into glucose
Nervous system
Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
Peripheral nervous system (relay sensory information to and motor impulses from the CNS)
Reflex action
Automatic rapid response that protects against tissue damage
Structure of the eye
Lens controls amount of light entering
Lens refracts light onto retina
Retina contains rods (for dim light, no color) and cones (for bright light, color vision)
Optic nerve carries nerve impulses to the brain
Eye reflex to bright and dark
Pupil constricts in bright light, dilates in dim light
Accommodation of the eye
Ciliarymuscles contract to thicken the lens for near vision, relax to flatten the lens for distant vision
Hypothalamus contains osmorecptors that
detect the water potential of the blood • If the water potential of the blood drops
Osmoreceptor shrink stimulate posterior
pituitary gland to secrete ADH• that travel through blood plasma and bind to
receptors on the membrane of the collecting • increasing water reabsorption resulting in