
Cards (46)

  • Globalisation
    The process in which the world is becoming more connected
  • TNCs
    Companies that operate in at least two other countries
  • Remittances
    Money or goods sent by migrants to their origin countries
  • Cultural imperialism
    Forced promotion of a culture by one nation
  • Soft power
    Spread/promotion of culture through media and entertainment
  • Trade bloc
    A voluntary group of countries that sign an agreement to provide economic strength and security to all members
  • KOF index
    Economic Swiss Institute is an index of globalisation that considers political, social, and economic factors
  • Free trade/ Trade liberalisation
    free exports (without taxes and tariff)
  • Privatisation
    A private company is encouraged (profit driven) into public services
  • FDI (Foreign direct investment )

    A financial “injection” by a TNC into another country
  • China’s open door policy 1978
    Special economic zones were set up to encourage FDIs in manufacturing with relaxed rules (low tax and free exports) e.g Shanghai Economic Zone
  • Global shift
    Physical movement of economic activity from developed countries originally to NICs but later to RICs and developing countries
  • De-industrialisation
    The long-term absolute decline of the manufacturing sector
  • Footloose industry
    When an industry can operate in any location e.g call centres
  • Least Cost Location

    When a TNC moves to the cheapest location to maximise profits and minimise costs
  • Economic Migrant
    A migrant who moves country for employment
  • Cultural Diffusion
    The spread of global culture
  • Megacity
    A city with a population of over 10 million
  • Free market liberalism
    Little/no restrictions on imports or exports between countries (taxes and tariffs) - pushed by Uk/USA in 1980s
  • Economic Globalisation
    Increased flows and exchanges of commodities, capital, information, migrants and tourists.
    Growth of global companies, markets and finance. E.g Remittances now contribute more than 3x the amount of aid received globally
  • Political globalisation
    Growth of political links between countries (e.g some countries produce goods for others to consume)
    growth of political powers
    e.g WTO and trade blocs
  • Cultural globalisation 

    Global dispersal of products and cultural ideas e.g Americanisation/ Westernisation
  • Environmental globalisation
    Growth in global environmental problems (e.g climate change) and widespread industrial pollution
    Development of global environmental campaign, police’s and solutions
  • Global Interdependence
    When two countries have become completely dependent on each other, either through financial or political connections
  • Spatial Division of Labour
    Having production in multiple countries
  • Shrinking world

    Globalisation has led to geographical distance being less significant (countries feel closer together and interconnecte)
  • The AT Kearney Index
    Measure of globalisation through political , technological connections, personal contact and economic factors
  • NIC
    Newly industrialised country
  • RIC
    Recently Industrialised country
  • Tertiary Sector
    Industry comprised of companies that provide products and services
  • Immigration
    The movement of people into a different country
  • Emigration
    Movement of people from a country
  • Hyper-urbanisation
    When a city is growing too fast through an influx of economic migrants- slums
  • Global Hub City
    Highly connected cities
  • Development
    Progress made by a country over time
  • Development Gap

    Gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” - can be between countries or in a country
  • GDP
    Gross Domestic Products
  • Economic Sector Balance 

    Proportion of people employed in each sector
  • HDI
    Human Development Index
  • GII
    Gender Inequality Index