biology 1

Cards (263)

  • the uses for mitosis is growth and devlopment and epair of damaged cells
  • stem cell is undeffiemtated cells
  • differntation is a process where an undifferntated cells becomes differnticeted and adapt to a specidfic function
  • mitosis produces two genetically identical diploid cells
  • the diffence in growth between animas and plant is that animals tsop at a young age where plant continous cell elongate
  • precintile charts help us to identify if the baby is groqing niramllly and if there is any disease s
  • interphase is when the DNA gets replicated and component are produced
  • prophase is when the mebrane condenses
  • metaphase chromeoses line up in the middle
  • anaphase the chromosomes are pulled by the spindle fibres to each ends of the cell
  • cytokensis is where the cyctoplasm splits
  • mitosis is aesexual reproduction
  • cancer is an uncontrollable cell divison that causes tmours
  • plant cells have meristem found in the shoot and te root
  • adult stem ceel diffenrtates to ceratin types of cells
  • embryonic stem cell differntates to any cell type
  • stem cells are used fro transpalant , treat disease and repaor damaged cells
  • the risks of stem cell is disease transmission , rejection from the body and , uncontollable division
  • cereberum is responsible for language and memory
  • cerebelellum is repsonisble for musicle coordination
  • medulla for the consious activities
  • CT scan shows us the brain tumours
  • PET scan brain activity where the oerson is injected with radioactive glucose
  • CNS can be tricky to treat as the brain is protcted by the skull and its hard to access
  • the sensory neurone is when it send impulses from the receptor to the relay neurone
  • motor neurone send impulses to the effcectr to produce a repsonse
  • the axon is covered with myelin sheath to speed up the electrical impulse
  • the chemcal messganeger for the neurone is neurotransimitter that diffuses and bind into the receptors
  • the synapse is the gap between two cells
  • the effector is muscle or gland
  • the effector is where the response occurs, muscle or gland
  • the reflex arc is an automatic reaction without conscious thought
  • the spinal cord is part of the CNS which connects the brain to the rest of the body
  • the retina contains receptor cells called cones and rods
  • cone cells are responsible for colour vision
  • rods are responsible for black and white vision
  • optic nerve carries impulses from the eye to the brain
  • light enters through the pupil into the lens then onto the retina
  • light enters through the cornea and passes through the lens to focus on the retina
  • the iris controls how much light enters the pupil