
Cards (32)

  • What does the failure to function adequately definition of abnormality entail?
    It refers to individuals who cannot cope with daily life challenges
  • Who proposed the features of failure to function adequately?
    Rosenhan and Seligman
  • What are some characteristics of individuals who fail to function adequately?
    They show behaviour such as- severe personal distress, irrationality, conforming to interpersonal rules
  • What does statistical infrequency refer to in the context of abnormality?
    It defines someone as abnormal if their mental condition is very rare in the population
  • What is one criterion for diagnosing intellectual disability disorder according to the DSM-5?
    Having an IQ of 70 points or fewer
  • What is the main criticism of the statistical infrequency definition of abnormality?
    Not all statistically rare traits are negative
  • What does the deviation from ideal mental health definition focus on?
    It defines features of ideal mental health and deviation from these indicates abnormality
  • Who proposed the six features of ideal mental health?
    Jahoda in 1958
  • What is one limitation of the deviation from ideal mental health definition?
    It sets too strict a set of criteria for defining mental health
  • What are the characteristics of phobias?
    • Behavioral: Avoidance of phobic objects
    • Emotional: High anxiety and panic responses
    • Cognitive: Irrational thoughts and fears
  • What are the characteristics of depression?
    • Behavioral: Reduction in activity level and changes in eating behavior
    • Emotional: Persistent low mood and feelings of guilt
    • Cognitive: Poor concentration and negative schemas
  • What are the characteristics of OCD?
    • Behavioral: Compulsions and avoidance behaviors
    • Emotional: High anxiety and persistent arousal
    • Cognitive: Obsessions and hypervigilance
  • What does the two-process model describe in relation to phobias?
    It explains how phobias are acquired and maintained through conditioning
  • What is the role of classical conditioning in the acquisition of phobias?
    It associates a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that causes fear
  • What is the role of operant conditioning in the maintenance of phobias?
    It reinforces avoidance behavior by reducing anxiety
  • How does generalization relate to phobias?
    It refers to experiencing a conditioned fear response to similar stimuli
  • What is systematic desensitization?
    It is a therapy that gradually exposes clients to their phobic stimulus while teaching relaxation techniques
  • What is flooding in the context of phobia treatment?
    It involves immediate and full exposure to the maximum level of the phobic stimulus
  • What is a key difference between systematic desensitization and flooding?
    Systematic desensitization is gradual, while flooding is immediate exposure
  • What is Beck's negative triad in relation to depression?
    It consists of negative thoughts about the self, the world, and the future
  • What does Ellis's ABC model stand for?
    A is for activating event, B is for belief, and C is for consequence
  • What is the main focus of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression?
    To change negative schemas and challenge irrational thoughts
  • What is the effectiveness rate of CBT after 36 weeks of treatment?
  • What is the genetic explanation for OCD?
    OCD is inherited and involves multiple candidate genes
  • What is the role of serotonin in OCD?
    Low serotonin levels are associated with OCD symptoms
  • What is the worry circuit in relation to OCD?
    It is a set of brain structures that are overactive in people with OCD
  • What are SSRIs and their role in treating OCD?
    SSRIs are antidepressants that inhibit the reuptake of serotonin
  • What are some common side effects of drug therapy for OCD?
    Nausea, headache, and insomnia
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of drug therapy compared to CBT?
    • Drug therapy is relatively inexpensive
    • It requires less time commitment from patients

    • Drug therapy can have side effects
    • CBT empowers patients and promotes personal efficacy
  • one strength of failure to function adequately is it represents a good threshold for needing support, as that's when symptoms begin to display
  • one weakness of failure to function adequately is it is subjective
  • Deviation from ideal mental health
    -Self actualise
    -good self esteem
    -cope with stress
    -successfully work love and enjoy our leisure