ManSci Prelim Quiz

Cards (10)

  • Iconic Models
    A scale model of an airplane is a representation of a real airplane. Similarly, a child’s truck toy is a model of a real truck. The model airplane and toy truck are examples of models that are physical replicas of real objects. In modeling terminology, physical replicas are referred to as?
  • Analog Models
    Models that are physical in form but do not have the same physical appearance as the object being modeled. Such models are referred to as?
  • It involves the examination of qualities or characteristics without numerical measurement.
    Which of the following statements best describes qualitative analysis?
  • What distinguishes quantitative analysis from qualitative analysis?
    Qualitative analysis involves precise measurements and numerical data.
  • Multicriteria decision problems
    Problems that involve more than one criterion are referred to as?
  • Single-criterion decision problems
    Problems in which the objective is to find the best solution with respect to one criterion are referred to as?
  • Problem Solving
    The process of identifying a difference between the actual and desired state of affairs and then taking action to resolve this difference.
  • Which of the following best describes  models in the context of analysis and representation?
    Models are representations of real objects or situations and can be presented in various forms.
  • Arrange the following  steps of the decision-making process in the correct order.
    1. Define the problem
    2. Identify the alternatives
    3. Determine the criteria
    4. Choose an alternative
    5. Evaluate the alternatives
  • Mathematical Models
    A third classification of models includes representations of a problem by a system of symbols and mathematical relationships or expressions.