Sonnet 73

Cards (6)

  • Line 1:That time of the year thou mayst in me behold
    That-points to a specific season(late autumn)
    Thou-The use of the word thou insead of you indicates a close or intimate relationship
    mayst-may,it means possibly
    Inversion-word order changed for rhyme and to emphasise that something remarkable is to be seen in the speaker by placing behold at the end of the line.
  • Line 1-2 that time of thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none,or few, do hang
    Enjabment-And the use of no punctuation mark at the end of line 1 creates an extended metaphor with each quatrain as the lines flow from one line to the next
  • Line 2: When yellow leaves, or none, or few,do hang

    Yellow leaves-late Autumn-symb.(trees are a symbol of life and growth)it shows how the body degrades as the trees lose leaves and death approache.
    Metaphor-The soeakers aging is compared to autumn,the season when things start to die.Yellow leaves- the speaker is getting older and getting closer to the end of his life.
  • Line 3 : Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
    Boughs-Autumn leaves on a branch that shake in cold.Revers to braches sweeping against the ruins of the church
    The speakers body is feeling cold of old age.He is losing his youth like the trees are losing their leaves.
  • Autumn
    It is when it gets cold, the leaves on the trees start to turn yellow, brown and red and starts to fall down
  • 2.Line 2: When yellow leaves, or none, or few,do hang
    None-no leaves left. Indicates the end of is almost winter.
    Few-only a few leaves on the trees. The speaker is close the end of his life. hanging on to life like leaves are hanging onto the trees.
    Progression from yellow leaves to no leaves at all.None,or few ,do hang- (metaphor) speaker is losing his youth like the trees are losing their leaves