psychoanalytic theory- psychosexual stages- freud
-normal development in childhood involves passing 5 psychosexual stages which represents fixation of libido at different parts of the body, a conflict must be resolved at each stage before moving to the next, if conflict isn't resolved, the child becomes stuck at that stage, affecting beh as an adult.
1. ORAL- 0-1, pleasure focus is the mouth, feeding is the object of pleasure (e.g. breastfeeding), oral stimulation can lead to oral fixation later in life (e.g. nail-biting), and perform when under stress
2. ANAL- 1-3, pleasure focus is anus, pleasure from withholding/expelling faeces, strict toilet training can manifest an anal retentive personality (obsessive about details, tidiness), relaxed toilet training can manifests an anal expulsive personality (messy,disorganised)
3. PHALLIC, 3-6, pleasure focus is genitals, child becomes aware of anatomical sex differences and desire focus on penis/clitoris, Oedipus complex in boys= develop sexual attraction towards mother and a hatred towards father, Electra complex in girls= girl desires the father, realises she doesn't have a penis, develops penis envy and resolves this by repressing her desire to father and replaces wish for a penis to wish for a baby, girl blames mother for castrated state, and is resolved through identification
4. LATENCY- 6+-puberty, pleasure focus is repressed and have no sexual desires, sexual energy is transferred (e.g. to school)
5. GENITAL- puberty-adult, pleasure focus is genitals, sexual desires are conscious and are directed towards sex.