topic 4 germany

Cards (40)

  • women in weimar republic
    kinder kuche kirche
    children kitchen church
  • women ww1
    pre ww1- german civil code - 1900- cant vote- single women could study for a profession - no exams- married women = 0 legal status- liberals = dismissed as socialists- armament manufacturers 1913 = 0 employed women
    during ww1- 1918 krupp (armament factory) had 28,000 women employees- 75% women of employablity were employed- 1.6 million dead men = surplus of women
  • status of women
    - reichstag = divided - SPD supported womens rights
    - pre war - women fought against civil code
    - all political parties wanted to educate women in order to vote
    - first eletction = 90% women turnout to vote
    - 112 seats occupied by women 1919-32
    - article 109 - women had equal rights
    - falling birth rate
    128 per 1000 1911
    80/1000 1925
    59/1000 1933
    - divorce rates increased
    27 per 100,000 1913
    59/100,000 1920
    65/100,000 1932
  • women and work
    - first post war census - women in workforce 36% - close to pre war levels (34%)
    - women expected after war to give up jobs
    - women traditionally worked in white blouse jobs
    - paid 33% less than men
    - single women more accepted in work place
    - possible to have further education + join profession if single
    - women quialified to be lawyers 59 1925 - 251 1933
    - 1933 - 2500 female doctors
    - faced discrimination/ hostility
    - school day = structured - ended at lunch time for child care
    - over 250,000 women poorly paid jobs 1925
    - trade unions = opposed women
  • new women
    - young educated
    - wanted independence
    - benefitted from ww1
    - white blouse jobs - office and shops
    - abandoned traditional female role - wore revealing clothes, short hair, smoked, drank
    - used contraceptive
    - films loved these type of women
  • negatives of new women
    - policitions and media criticised these women
    - images of 'good time girls' critisced for corrupting young girls
    - women faced sexual + pay discrimination
    - many wanted marriage and old - hoping for better treatment
  • success/ failures
    sucess- before weimar women had vote- all parties wanted womens vote - 90% turn out- 1919-32 = 112 seats occupied in reichstag- in principle women had ' equal rights'- key professoins = lawyers
    failures- didnt change civil code- reichstag split on issue - professions + marriage- SPD supported women (most of reichstag didnt)- falling birth rate + divorce rate = big concern
  • bureua for beauty
    - set up 1933
    - fashion = anti jewish + anti french + anti USA
    - laid out ideals for women and how this can be achieved
    - a shift in later 1930s to muse glamorous images (SS wives, Jewish people in concentration camps)
  • beauty fashion nudity
    - wanted beautiful women, some forms threatening- hilter maides - ABC of national socialims published 1933
    the ruleswomen = naturalno drinking or smokingdress in german stylebody suited to child bearing
    natural look- tanning parlors- special deodorant- hormone cream - develop larger breasts- khasana cosmetics - natural makeup
    pornography- believed nudity was acceptable- black corps - official SS soldiers- naked women in natural settings- pictures of US women- qoutes from hitler alongside women
  • women in nazi germany
    1. mothers of aryan race
    2. skilled in role of nurturing
    3. economic role (80% of spending)
    4. no political role
    5. expected to be beautiful
    women and the church
    1. odd - persecuted christians/ catholics
    2. easy to appeal to conservatives - womens place = home + church
    3. church not a political place
    4. ran charity drives- reich bride school- established by Himmler and Scholtakine- minimum of 6 weeks/ encouraged to stay for 6 months- physical recovery before marriage- costs a weekly wage- ironing- interior design- gardening- SS uniform care- child care
  • great depression on women

    - depression led to more hostility
    - women not as badly affected
    - men unemployed 46%
    - women unemployed 33%
    - women cheaper to employ/ lots of part time work
    - 30 May 1932 Bruning passed a decree saying married women could be dismissed from govt jobs if their husbands wasn't working
  • women in nazi germany p2
    - eugenics = belief that controlling reproduction can produce a healthier population
    - Bund Deustcher Madel (BDM) - league of german girls, older female nazi youth group

    time line
    1 June 1933 - law to reduce unemployment = interest free marriage loan to aryan cause
    30 june 1933 - married women to be dismissed from their jobs
    14 july - law for prevention of offspring with hereditary disease - possible to sterilise m+f with mental + physical disabilities or female alcoholics
    18 oct 1935 - law for protection of hereditary health of German people - fitness to marry certificate
    1938 - marriage law extends grounds to divorce to include fertility abortion or refusal to have baby
  • success / negatives of nazi policies
    positive- get vitamins- get healthcare checks- status- single women could find work/ domestic- mother of soldiers given holidays
    negative- large numbers of women lost there jobs- skilled doctors not able to put three skills to use- female teachers could only work in lowest levels in schools
  • impact of ww2
    - change in attitude towards women as men were conscripted so women took there jobs
    - NSV set up - 31,000 kindergardners
    - 27% of women in workforce
    - nazi propaganda worked
    women didnt want to work
    prefered home and education
    - 1940s germany bombed constantly
    - women dealt with being bombed out which would happen more than 1x a day
    - supplies for food = fatchy
    - substitutes like soap + fish oil = scarce
    - Oct 1940 - women allowed to join army
    - BDM members had to serve for 6 months
    - compulsory for women to do auxillary services from 18-40
    - not enough men to women taught how to fight
  • women post ww2
    - surplus of women - 7.3 million
    - divorce rate went up massively - aug 1948 - 80% higher than 1946
    -women had to work - clear rubble , buildings, working in offices
    - women worked in committees
    - few got involved in politics - those that did had been involved pre 1933
    - women still viewed as a wife and mother
    - ministry of family affairs in 1953
    - adenauer gave speeches about importance of creating equality and women
    - basic law - article 3 - unqualified equality under hte law
  • prostiution/ morals
    - after reichstag fire - moral police
    - arrested thousands of women believed to be prostitutes
    - 3,200 women arrsted in hamburg alone in 2 months
    - by dec 1933 - 1,500 women in prison
    - 1934 - official brothels re instated and gated streets
    - care officers comitted women to institutions + hospitals
    - 37-38 women who were considered prostitutes- rounded up sent for re education
    - morally delinquents
  • women and work frg
    - 1977 marriage and family law reversed
    gave women equal rights in marriage
    - 1900 civil code - women couldnt work if it went against them being wives and mothers
    - 1982 survey
    50% men 54% women thought mens career more important
    70% men 68% women thought women should give up work when married
    70% thought women should stay at home
    - womens liberation movement population by students + radicals
    - women in west berlin
    set up commune
    ended up doing all the clearing and cooking
    left after 6 months
    - action council for womens liberation 1968
    worked with nursery teachers campaigned to get school day change
    - Sep 1968 Helke Sander
    spoke to SDS
    desribed what they had done
    split by 1969 - mother faction not seen theoretical enough
    - radical groups focused on para 2 on abortion rights
    alice schwarzer was one of the leaders
    published photos/ artificial leaflets
  • women and work frg p2
    abortionmost against therefore agreed to para 218led to women leaving organisationskinder kuche kirche thinking and church remained stronglaw passed in 1974 - first 12 weeksdisallowed after 1975 - unconstitutional by frederal courtreintroduced 1976 by an indictation law
    - didnt campaign for equality in work place and sexual discrimination
    involvement in politics- tended to be conservative- women still not actively encouraged to be in politics- 1972 - 5.8% women in bundestag 1987 - 15.4%- CSU/CDU favoured male dominated by business industries- SPD workers organisation- green party adopted feminist views - fought for abortion
    Managerial roles- 75% of work force in hospital - were women but only 4% physicians- half school teachers - 20% principles- 1950s - 5% uni lectures- 1970s - 64 - 28% of mens salaries- equality officers - national office for womens affairs
    divorce- 1960s - 49,000- 1990 - 123,000- 1977 - no guilt clause to adding law- alimony awarded to one resisting children
    womens role by 1989- unification- women in GDR more equal - state provided creches- women had to work- FRG - women gave higher status - families given tax brackets + benefits - stay at home for 3 years- only 50% of married women with children under 15 working part time- school hours remained the same as before finishing early
  • weimar education
    pre ww1- some lander provided one hour of inkderkarten care - children 3-5- school compulsory 6-14- WC went to volkesschule - classes 50 + basic education- UC children went to fee paying schools- most working class - left school at 19- most schools confessionals- supported the status qou- confessional schools = religious
    after ww1- fairer schools- socalists- no religious schools- mixed- grundschule - aged 6-10- govt agreed federal education law was needed in lander-non confessional state schools- education articles - 1921, 25,27 but no one could agree so secular schools introduced which provided wide variety of education-reich parents league supported new bill- 29,020 protestant schools- 15,256 catholic- 97 jewish- 8291 common- 295 secular
    education after 10- education had to be paid for- hauptschule - 5 year school leading to appreniceship- realschule - 6 years - leading to business or techincal training- gymansuim - 9 years leading to uni- education decided at 10- private schools
    university- had to pass abiture exam- 1928 survey into student parents- 45% of student fathers worked as civil servants - (21% of these had uni education)- principle of freedom of choice made it hard to reform the system- uni continued on as before
    uni corporations- dealing corporations - wealthy landowners - settled disputes through sword fighting- non duelling were socially inferior- 56% of pupils were part of a corporations are determined by race/ sex/german/ aryan chambers- affected future careers
  • nazi education
    - state school structure remained- primary private schools banned- fee paying secondary and university remained = emphasis on fitness- corporations became - nazi comradeship houses - students had to join nazi student union- 20 april 1933 - national political education institution (NAPOLOAS) free boarding schools to train future elite nazi boysNational socialists teacher league (NSCR)- set up 1929 - 6000 members- undesireable teachers removed in 1933- 24 september 1935 - decree took control of appointments- 1937 - 97% of teachers had join unionvalid schools to indoctrinate students- nazis = anti illenctuals- teachers shown little respect- 2,500 teachers qualified in 1938 and there were 8,000 vacanciesvideo- nazi party seen as party of youth- young people given key roles- hitler youth1932 - 100,0001934 - 2,250,0001939 - compulsoryphysical training - drills/ teamowrk/ skillsuniform = importantnazi belief/ ideology/ theory
  • nazification of schools
    - text books- teachers- lessonsnazi theory- superior race- rewritten history - lebensraum
    Hitler and fitness- 1935 - new stream of directives for all age groups- sport increase by 15%- volksegeminshaft- text books changed - race lessons - superior races- jews centre of all problems- biology - eugenics- maths - how much could be saved from killing disabled people
    outside school - boys- hitler youth movement- pimpfen - little folk aged 6- jungvolk - youngsters at 10- jungend - hitler youth 14-18- 1937 - opened first school - physical training
    girls- jungmadel (young girls) - 10- BDM - 14- Glaube and Deutsches Madel - faith and beauty - 17-20
    mix of both- leaders issues pamflets with instructions on what to cover- summer camps- meetings- hatred of TOFV- racial purity- importance of having babies- hitler youth expected to report anyone not complying with nazi teaching- teachers and family
  • cultural experimentation
    weimar- traditional- religious- RW- hate the idea of cultural experimentation- efficient- neve sachlichket - new objectivity movement - grew out of modern and expressionist movements that developed before first war- modern- experimental- bauhuas - architecture house - set up by walter Gropuis 1919- weimar often presented as decadent + experimental- mainly in cities- did influence modern + technological- hiking + opera = traditional- listening to radio = modern
    art elite culture- artists, intellectuals and writers- foward looking - modernism and expressionism- took darket twist - infleunced the arts- wealthy elite subsidies - funded
    expressionism and modernism- stressed thoughts and feelings more important than act or conventional music tones- arnold schonberg dented new system of alonal music- schonberg expressionist paintings- schonberg was jewish
    subsidised culture- money to theatres, orchestras, museums and libraries - spreading culture to small towns- welfare projects took prioirty- UFA - govt organised film consortuism of biggest film studious - made most films- metropils by fritz lang - science fiction most expeinsve film made at the time
  • cultural experimentation p2
    populat culture- jazz- consumer goods- traditional music and halls popular
    reactions to experimentation
    1. craftmanship to protext under 16 from pornography
    2. people could paint and sing
    3. allowed expressionism to flourish RW critics - RW parties, centre party critisced the decadence
    4. americanisation
    5. change in women
    overall impression- free speech of constiution- criminal code still had paragraph 184, ban objective films and publications
  • nazi cultural policies
    projects- gleichschaltung- co-ordination - tight control from birth to grave- started process of censorship- germans were kulturtrager (culture bearers) - led autarky by intellectuals- jewish corrupt weimar
    book burning- censoring unacceptable culture- 10 may 1933 - burning organised with help from nazi student organisation- unsound books rounded up- foreign authors and jewish authors targetted- replicated accross germany- books collected by students from 6 april - 10 may- held in public spaces- 35 cities - torch it processions- inspiring speeches by goebbells- goebbels delivered speeches denouncing books40,000 people listened to him in Berlin on subject of acceptable literature
    art music and theatre- unacceptable things + people weeded out- expressionism = no- jewish people = no- pacifism = no- individuality = no- intellectual = no
    22 September 1933- reichskulturkammer (RKK) - reich chamberof culture- headed by goebbels - took control over all creative arts- art was too elitist - the masses needed to understand
    art- unrealistic art - not acceptable- nationalistic art = big yes- realistic art - yes- modern production - encouraged- building projects- abstract images of people were likened to people with disabilities- artists who studied african + asian art were going against aryan race- wilhelm frick - issued a decree banning + removing art that was abstract from buildings
  • nazi cultural policies p2
    1936- all degenerate art banned from museums- nazi art - perfect aryan race - muscular men engaging with some kind of activity- naturallistic + idealistic- sport encouraged- sculpture - encouraged to show perfect aryan race- olympics 1936 - germany topped the table with 89 medals- games considered a truimph
    strength through joy- group trips organised - theatres art galleries and museums- offered to educate the masses- 1937 - degenerate art exhibit- propaganda - in factories
    festivals- re arranged for nazi occasions- mothers day moved to hitlers mums birthday- parades - watch - rallying sppeches- after 1935 military parades grew
    films- leni reinfsthal - hitlers favourite film makercomissioned her to make film the truimph of the will - used new techniques - moving cameras to project hitlers good like statues- made olympia, blue light- goebbels and films - hated her production- celebrated strong male leaders- nationalistic images- SQR sacrifice- hidden/ not obvious nazi messages
  • nazi building projects
    Nazi building projects- created employmentgave powerful impression of 3rd reich - hung with swastickaolympic staduim - 100,000 peoplenuremberg - grand rallies - 33-38- neo classiscmweimar invested in housingnazi invented grand building projects - classical official buildingsvast movementsreich chancellory completed 1939nuremberg congress hall inspired by Roman coliseummassive scale symbolised power of nazis- berlin masterplancomissioned plan 1937 - by hitlergrand central squarereichstag symbolised german peoplenew domed fuhrer palacenew military high commandroads widended to allow military paradeswork started 1939 - war broke out- cathedral of lightcreated by speer to form backdropcreated by 130 anti aircraft search lights aroundnazi parade grounds pointed towards sky- functional buildingsschools built similar to army barracks/ factoriessupposed to create perfect nazisas war continued huge flak towers were built to defend cities
  • nazi racial policies
    key dates1933 - boycotting of jewish shops1935 - nuremberg laws1938 - kristalnacht1942 - wannesee conference
    Nazi racial ideology- humanity divided into 3 types of race- culture creating races - aryan race responsible for creation of culture - art, literature, science + civilisation- culture bearing races - 'oreintal races' = no new ideas, merely copied aryans, culture would degenerate + stagnate- culture destroying race - jews + gypsies = not able to create a sustainable culture - nazis likened them to cancer- which destroyed them - jews + gypsies worked tirelessly to destroy nazis- hitler believed race was key - argued empires lead to racial mixing - this mix weakened the aryan race- key to aryan race was ' racial hygiene' - strict ban on sex + marriage between races
    symbolic anti Semitism- goebbels media control - banned jewish editors, journalists, film/ theatre and radio control all banned- all measures had goal to exclude jews from german culture- 1933 - econ still going through depression - hitler had to move away from jews slowlypersecution of jews was rapid, some killed, imprisoned + humiliated- hindenburg + von papen urged hitler to control spontaneous voilencehitler proposed boycott of jewish shopsschacht thought boycott would kill economy- april 1933 one day boycott - highlight hatred of jews- month later goebells organised a measure against jews - burning books - purge in german spirit - 25,000 books
  • legal / econ exclusion
    legal exclusion- april 1933 ban jews from civil service + remove people from civil service who didnt have 'aryan ancestry'- hitler proposed law of restoration for professional service - hindenburg refused - hindenburg introduced laws to protect 'non aryans' who fought in ww1- turning point - first time since 1871 racist laws passed- hindenburg death (1934) - hitler overturned laws and jews banned from govt- nuremberg laws 1935 - reich citizenship law - removed citizenship to people who have 4 or more non aryan ancestors- law for protection of german blood and german honour - illegal to marry non aryan and aryan- citizenship law = limited effect - nazi suspended civil rights 1933 =democracy abolished- new racial categories - german - person with 2-4 jewish grandparents = mix race 5-8 jewish grandparents = jew- schact still worreid over econ - persuaded hitler to remove plans of taking away econ rights for jews
    economic exclusion- 33-36 schact wanted jew econ rights protected- 36 - goebbels excluded jews from econ- 37 - reduced access of jewish firms - import raw materials + takeover of jewish firms- 1938 govt contract to jewish firms outlawed- 38 jews banned form leasing property worth more than 5000RM
  • kristallnacht
    - 8 nov 1938
    - herschel crrynzspan - shot german diplomat in france
    - hilter authorised mass SA violence - against synagouges + jewish buisnesses
    - resulted in 200 deaths - 30,000 arrested
    - 1000 synagouges burned down
    - turning point goering slowly stripping econ assets of jews
    - following this - fine on german jews + confiscation of jewish property + wealth
    - goering completed aryanisation
    - 60,000 jew emigrated after
  • holocaust
    - jews plunged into poverty
    - contradicted plan of mass emigration
    - forced jews into ghettos
    - kristallnacht persuaded nazis to be more radical
    - nazi final goal = no jews in europe
    - madagascar plan - 38-40
    proposed eu jews to be deported
    britians refusal to surrender made plan fall through
    - mass extermination of jews in germany began
    - einsatzgruppen = ss death squad
    - 33-38 450,000 jews left germany
    - netherlands + france was the main places jews emigrated
  • gypsies
    Initially no policy against the Gypsies, but as the regime became more radicalised , the SS began to target them
    1936 - Camps established - disease ran rampant
    1938 - Himmler's Central Office for Gypsy Affairs issued a decree requiring all gypsies to register and get examined by a 'racial hygienist' due to high rates of intermarriage
    1939 - forbade to marry Aryans without a permit
    End of 1939 - Deportation of gypsies to Eastern Poland
    1940-45 - Gypsies rounded up and shot
    After Wanasse Conference mass extermination of gypsies
    21,000 alone in Auschwitz
  • T4 programme + sterilisation
    policy extended to adults after HQ address in Berlin, Tiergarten 4-provided methods, personnel and admin experience for final solution- initiated by hitler- 1939- mentally ill, physically disabled, chronically ill and elderly people all targetted- 250,000 + killed- ended 1941- bishop galenbishop of munster = germanycondemned the t4 programme - hitler halted after
    sterlisiation- 300,000 - 400,000 ' sterlisied'- targettedschizophrenia, epilepsy, blindess, deafness, feeblemindedness, severe alcoholism, severe physcal deformities
    degenerate aryans- aryans who didnt fit in with the 'strong pure obedient' title- anyone who opposed regime ' degenerate'- artists + intellectuals who didnt fit nazi mold = degenerate
  • nazi racial policies linking to econ women and education
    economy- conquered racially inferior for cheap manual labour and resources- resources diverted to military expansion and aryan social programmes
    women- ideology left women with domestic sphere- pushed out of workforce
    education- tool for nazi propaganda promoted racial ideology- physical fitness + racial science = emphasised- children who were racially undesirable excluded from education or put in segregated schools
  • ethnic minorities FRG
    after ww2- allies had to consider that germany had a very large number of refugees- 10 million by 1947 - initially seen as a problem = needing feeding and housing became an asset
    economic boom- full employment 1955- as economy grew they needed more workers- there was already a large number of foreign workers- trade unions didnt like the idea - feared they would accept lesser wages/ force wage down/ lesser working standards
    government response- guaranteed that non germans workers would recieve same pay
    foreign labour programmes- set up nuremberg- run offices in countries that germany had treaties with- physical examinations- signed a contract - the year - basic accomadation often in domitories nar factories and outside towns = cut off from local communities
    who did programme favour- men 20-40- given heavy manual work- 61-73 - 3 million switched from agricultural jobs to white collar workers- 61-71 - 870,000 germans left jobs in mining- 1.1 million guest workers took these jobs- more female workers43,000 1960700,000 1973- requested in some industries - electronics and hospitality- illegal workers arrived- took really poorly paid jobs
    programme extended after- 1961 berlin wall- cut off workers
  • challenges in 70 - 80s
    - 1970s - oil crisis meant guest workers under pressure to leave germany
    - nov 1973 govt banned permites for guest workers families in country
    - 2 million guest workers in 1974 - fall
    - ford car workers offered voluntary work - mess lay offs likely to happen
    - german with 2 children more likely to be layed off then a turkish with 4 children due to point system
    - 1977 ban was removed - workers started - coming in again
    - helmut schmidt = federal comissioner for foreigners
    - promote intergration
    - managing education of GW = problem for children
    - basic law laid down everyone got equal education
    - GW wanted mix race class rooms
    - GW children in school rose - 165,000 1976 - 200,000 1983
    - 60% were muslim
    - pre school mainly christian based = problem for GW children
  • education in FRG
    issues after ww2- education had been completely controlled by nazis- completely geared to nazi ideas- majority of teachers - members of nazi party
    denazification of education- prevent reintroduction to preconfessional of schools- stop early selectoin at ten for career paths- focused on pre university education- needed to de nazify unis too- allies agreed to the re opening of schools in autumn 1945
    allies wanted primrary and secondary systems to be the same for all- USA zone had - 1,200,174 children aged 6-10- had 6,477 schools and 14,176 tachers = class size 85- 510,000 had no schools to go to- americans - 5 millions text books, american system- elementary, middle, high school - not LT + not replicated- not completely successful - german sates had different idea- also there were more important tasks/ issues at hand to deal with
    soviets- got rid of nazis- 40,000 tachers from WC background- 8 years of primary- 3 years apprenticiship- 4 years for uni
    basic law- lander was responsible for education and cultural policies- few secular non religious schools in south flourised in the north- few secular schools in south flourished in north- couldnt agree how to tach nazi history- resolved - dry factual history teaching - mainly european not german
  • education in frg p2
    standardised education
    - important for families to move between states - ie qualifications
    - 55 - dusseldord agreement
    - number of examinatoin subjects
    - length of studies
    - length of school holidays
    - beginning of school year
    - examination standards
    - old system school remained
    - primary = 4 years
    - high schools/ intermediate schools
    - gymnasuim - for elite - prepared for higher education
    - abitar - certificate for education ( simplified/ relaxed in 1972)

    civic education
    - states agreed in 1950 some form of compulsory education should be taught in schools
    - context not prescribed - tolerance and individual freedoms taught
    - 62 = nazi era taught in schools as about the communists side

    arguments between govt and lander raged
    - 60s and 70s federal meetings held to discuss need for gesamtschulen (comprehensive schools)
    - bund/ lander comissioned failed to agree
    - 71 - brandt govt tried to reform education - a federal framework
    - help the disadvantaged
    - less streaming
    - more mobility
    - uni reforms

    educational crisis
    - early 60s - concern with uni system was failing
    - facilities like lecture theatres + student accom = inedequate
    - curriculum = old fasioned - didnt teach econ or technology
    - calls for education to be more democratic
    - children in gymnasuim rose 853,400 - 2,019,000 1980
    - more students went to uni 239,000 1960 - 749,000 1980
    - 1971 - federal education promoted act provided state funding to encourage WC families to send children to uni

    cultural tensions
    - traditionally seen as leader of europe - older germans wanted to regain position
    - removed nazi control + reintroduced ' degenerate culture'
    - many ford easy to adopt
    - not all aspects of culture divided generations
    - 50s - social movements included all ages - anti nuclear movement
    - rejection of consumerism
    - wanted better society

  • ethnic minorities weimar republic
    german nationalism- volk - 1871 onwards- poles, gypsies + jews = not equal- elite groups - army + landowners- protestant prejudices against catholics- regions against eachother
    before ww1- minorities - partially intergrated- business men did business together = daily interaction- intermarriage in big cities - jews married to non jews- still issues - own clubs/ association and germs had their own as well
    weimar republic- low level of discrimination - similar to women- elite conservatives, landowners and army- big no to different ethnic groups- city based people more liberal- article 113 - could speak there own language- preserve national identity- run their own schools and daily lives- landerlaw not always implementedpeople differented between groupspoles, jewsbecame more accepting to groups they were more familiar withattitudes to jewish- 1918 1% of population jewish- 1933 - 0.76% - 500,000- 66.8% lived in cities + 1/3 lived in berlin- anti semites called berlin 'jew berlin'
    a number of jews influenced culture and became politicians- 5 cabinet positons- people critisced this- walter ratheneau - foreign minister- 1922 killed shortly afterwards was jewish + associated with tofv
    organisations against jewish people- many joined nazis- led to some organisations being banned- german peoples offensive and defensive alliance - 25,000 members and 170,000 1923 when it was disbanded- judges - who were antisemitic were openly anti semitic in there cases against jews- depression led to hatred and blamejewish response- to fight anti semitism- 85,000 fought ww1- 12,000 killed- anti semitism grew as depressioned worsened
  • ethnic minorities in weimar p2
    german gypsies- protected under article 113- moved around, didnt pay tax - not part of society or community- lander - several areas passed laws passed - prussia and bavaria- 1926 bavaria passed laws = stop movementforce children into schoolsadults into army- hess copied laws- bavaria 1927 - issued identity cards
    polish people- end of ww1- new borders- some left/ some stayed- 200,000 polish speakers- further 500,000 spoke both languages ( more accepted)- some considered themselves german- discriminated against, fought against germany in ww1 - 30,000 left
    black people- 1933 occupation of ruhr- black units- 500 mixed race children born- Germanies shame- older black people found hostility + musicians and writes found life acceptable in city
  • nazi racial theory
    Alienation of JewsRequired Jews to identify themselves - permanently separate from rest of population1 Jan 1939 - Jews had to be called 'Israel' or 'Sara' - No Germanic names allowed1939 - 450,000 emigrated, 30-50% of wealth takenBecame harder to leave - Austria liberated and copied Germany's laws - 185,000 Jews fell to 60,000 by outbreak of war
    ghettosSet up 1939 - overcrowded and crampedMinimal medical supplies and foodElectricity and water kept on for only a few hours a dayKdF ran trips to the ghettos so people could see how Jewish people lived
    wanassee conference20th Jan - Decided on mass killing of Jewish peopleHitler, Goering, Goebbels and Himmler not presentSS Einsatzgruppen - Set up to round up Jews/political dissentersBy 1941 - Invasion of Russia committing mass murder2 million out of 6 million killed by the group