Cards (90)

  • Total – whole made up of
  • Quality – Zero defect
  • Management – it’s the art of getting things done through people
  • Dr. W.K. Spriegel “The quality of a product may be defined as the sum of a number of related characteristics such as shape, dimension, composition, strength, workmanship, adjustment, finish and colour”.
  • John D. McIIellan, “Quality is the degree to which a product conforms to specifications and workmanship standards”.
  • Quality The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
  • ISO 8402-1986 standard defines quality as "the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs."
  • International Standard for Standardization (ISO), “TQM is a management approach for an organization, centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customers satisfaction, and benefits to all member of the organization and to society”.
  • Rick W. Griffin,” A strategic commitment by top management to change its whole approach to business to make quality guiding factors in everything it does”.
  • Robbins and Coulter, “Total quality management is a philosophy of management that is driven by customer needs and expectations and focuses on continual improvement in work process”.
  • TQM describes a management approach to long–term success through customer satisfaction.
  • Performance refers to a product's primary operating characteristics.
  • Features are additional characteristics that enhance the appeal of the product or service to the user.
  • Reliability is the likelihood that a product will not fail within a specific time period.
  • Conformance is the precision with which the product or service meets the specified standards.
  • Durability measures the length of a product’s life.
  • Serviceability is the speed with which the product can be put into service when it breaks down, as well as the competence and the behavior of the serviceperson.
  • Aesthetics is the subjective dimension indicating the kind of response a user has to a product.
  • Perceived Quality is the quality attributed to a good or service based on indirect measures.
  • W.EDWARDS DEMING’S CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Deming’s 14 Principle 2. Deming cycle / PDCA cycle 3. Seven deadly diseases of management 4. System of profound knowledge
  • The Deming Cycle (PDCA) consists of four steps: Plan, Do, Check, Act.
  • System of Profound knowledge
    Knowledge of Variation
    Theory of Knowledge
    Knowledge of Psychology
    Knowledge of a system
  • JOSEPH M JURAN CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Internal customer 2. Cost of quality 3. Quality trilogy 4. Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement 5. The breakthrough concept
  • Internal Customer The person will be a process carrying out some of transformation or activity.
  • Internal Customer: Are those departments or persons who supply products to each other
  • External Customer: These are impacted by the product but are not members of the company which produce the product
  • The concept of quality costs was first mentioned by Juran (Quality Control Handbook published in 1951) and this concept was primarily applied in the manufacturing industry.
  • price of nonconformance (Philip Crosby)
  • the cost of poor quality (Joseph Juran)
  • 'Cost of Quality', referred to the costs associated with providing poor quality product or service.
  • Juran Quality Trilogy
    Quality Planning
    Quality Control
    Quality Improvement
  • Quality Planning provides a system that is capable of meeting quality standards
  • Quality Control is used to determine when corrective action is required
  • Quality Improvement seeks better ways of doing things
    1. Four absolutes of quality
    2. Fourteen steps to quality management
    3. Crosby’s quality vaccine
  • Crosby's Four Absolutes of Quality Management
    Quality is conformance to requirements
    Quality Prevention is preferable to quality inspection
    Zero defects is the quality performance standard
    Quality is measured in monetary terms - the price of non-conformance
  • Total Quality Control is the system which Japan has developed to implement Kaizen or continuing improvement.
  • The Total Quality Control consists of
    • The seven basic (old) tools
    • The seven management (new) tools
    • The seven product planning tools,
    • Quality function deployment, and
    • Taguchi methods enhance the implementation of quality.
  • Dr. Ishikawa`s definition of quality control "To practice quality control is to develop, design, produce and service a quality product which is most economical, most useful and always satisfactory to the consumer. To meet this goal, everyone in the company must participate in and promote quality control, including top executives, all divisions, within the company and all employees”
  • “Quality control may be defined as that industrial management technique or group of techniques by means of which products of uniform acceptable quality are manufactured. It is indeed the mechanism by which products are made to measure up to specifications determined from customer’s demand and transformed into sales, engineering and manufacturing requirements. It is concerned with making things right rather than the discovering and rejecting those made wrong” - Alford and Beatty