Unit 2

Cards (15)

  • arithmetic density

    Number of people per unit of area
  • Agricultural density
    Number of farmers per unit of arable land
  • Natural increase rate

    Rate of human population growth
  • CBR
    Number of births per 1000 people over the course of a year
  • CDR
    Number of deaths per 1000 people over the course of a year
  • Total fertility rate
    Average number of babies born per woman in a country
  • Above 2.1 total fertility rate means population grows, below 2.1 means population shrinks
  • Age structure diagram
    • Population pyramids that are useful for analyzing age structure, visualizing sex ratio, predicting population change, estimating life expectancy
  • Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
    1. Stage 1: Birth & death rate fluctuate, natural increase rate is low, just trying to meet basic needs
    2. Stage 2: CBR remains high, COR lowers, increasing natural increase rate. Medical advancements, improvements in agriculture, increased rates of immigration to urban areas for job opportunities. BABY BOOMER
    3. Stage 3: CBR & CDR decrease, natural increase rate increases. Less exponential population growth - no space for larger families when life expectancy increases, women get more rights, more secondary/tertiary jobs, less people emigrate to explore existing economic opportunities
    4. Stage 4: Low COR/COR, natural increase rate starts to flatten. More economic opportunities for women, more tertiary jobs. No population growth can occur, cost of living decreases, decreasing total fertility rate
    5. Stage 5: CBR goes below the COR causing natural increase rate to decrease
  • Epidemiological Transition Model
    • Stage 1: Pestilence, famine, & death
    • Stage 2: Less deaths & receding pandemics
    • Stage 3: Degenerative diseases (gets worse over time)
    • Stage 4: Fighting degenerative diseases
    • Stage 5: Reemergence of infectious disease (evolution of disease, if poverty rates/urbanization)
  • Malthusian Theory believed that population grows exponentially and food is linear. Also thought that the population needed to decrease or would lead to mass starvation.
  • Pronatalism
    Policies in support of raising birth rates, countries with a low CBR and an inverse pyramid population pyramid. E.g. money incentives, free schooling
  • Antinatalism
    Policies in support of lowering birth rates. Countries in stage 2/3 of DTM, transitioning pyramid. E.g. campaign posters, one child policy
  • Ecumene- The permanently inhabited portion of the earths surface
  • Physiological Density- number of people per unit of arable land