What are the three states of matter? [3] - Solid - Liquid - Gas
What is the name of the simple model that describes the three states of matter? Particle Model
How are the particles represented in the particle model? As small solidspheres.
What are the particles like in solids? [3] - Regular arrangement - Very close together - Vibrate about fixed positions
What are the particles like in liquids? [3] - Random arrangement - Close together - Flow around each other
What are the particles like in gases? [3] - Random arrangement - Much further apart - Move very quickly in all directions
When a substance changes state, what happens? [3] - The particles themselves stay the same - The way the particles are arranged changes - The way the particles move changes
What will happen to a pure substance? [2] - Melt and freeze at onespecifictemperature - the melting point - Boil and condense at onespecifictemperature - the boiling point
The amount of energy required for a substance to change state depends on what? Depends on the amount of energy required to overcome the forces of attraction between the particles.
What happens if the more stronger the forces of attraction are? [2] - The greater the amount of energy needed to overcome them - The higher the melting and boiling point
What type of substances have a high melting point due to strong bonds? [3] - Ionic compounds - Metals - GiantCovalent Structures
What are the properties of substances that contain small molecules? [Covalent] [3] - Bonds within the molecules are strongcovalent bonds - Intermolecular forces between the molecules are much weaker - Little energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular forces between the molecules
What can the melting and boiling point of a substance be used to identify? The melting point and boiling point of a substance can be used to identify its state at a given temperature.
What are chemical equations used for? Chemical equations are used to sumup what happens in reactions.
What do state symbols show? State symbols show the state of each substance involved.
What is (S)? Solid
What is (l) Liquid
What is (g) Gas
What is (aq)? Aqueous (dissolved in water)
What happens when solid magnesium ribbon is added to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid? [3] - A chemicalreaction takes place - A solution of magnesiumchloride is produced - Hydrogen gas is produced
What are the three types of chemical bonds? [3] - Ionic bonds - Covalent bonds - Metallic bonds
What are ions? Atoms that have gained or lostelectrons
Where do ionic bonds occur? They occur between positive and negative ions
What is the outer shell configuration of ions? They have a complete outer shell.
What does Ionic bonding involve? A transfer of electrons from metal atoms to non-metal atoms.
What happens to metal atoms in ionic bonding? Metal atoms lose electrons to become positively charged ions.
What happens to non-metals atoms in Ionic bonding? The non-metal atoms gain electrons to become negatively charged ions.
What does the ionic bond have a strong electrostatic force of attraction to? To the positivemetal ion and the negativenon-metal ion.
What is an ionic bond? An ionic bond is the attraction between oppositely charged ions.
Why do ionic compounds have a high melting and boiling point? Because ionic bonds are very strong and it requires lots of energy to overcome them.
What are Giant Ionic Lattice? Giant structures of ions.
How are the giant structures of ions held together They are held together by strongforces of attraction that act in all directions between oppositely charged ions.
What are the properties of ionic compounds? [3] - High melting and boiling points - Do not conductelectricity when solid - Conduct electricity when molten or in solution
What is a covalent bond? A covalent bond is a shared pair of electrons between atoms.
Where do covalent bonds occur? [2] - Non-metallic elements, e.g oxygen, O2 - Compounds of non-metals, e.g. sulfur dioxide, SO2.
What has a chlorine atom with seven electrons in its outer shell have to do to bond another chlorine atom? [3] - An electron from each atom is shared - This gives each chlorine atom eight electrons in the outer shell - Each atom now has a complete outer shell
How can covalent bonds in molecules be shown? Dots and cross diagrams
What are some of the properities of covalent bonds? [3] - Very strong - Some covalently bonded substances consist of small molecules - Others have giant covalent structures
Do covalent bonds happen between non-metals or metals? Non-metals