TEch and human cross

Cards (33)

  • When Technology and Humanity Cross
    1. Illustrate the different technological advancements in society
    2. Discuss the development of Science and technology in the Philippines
    3. Discuss the effects of the interplay between technology and humanity through the dilemmas they face
  • Technology
    Techne (art) and logos (discourse)
  • Concepts like machines and tools were also attached to the word technology
  • In one way or another, each person in society is directly and indirectly affected by technology whether he wills it or not
  • Technology is already an inevitable part of society
  • Technology offers
    • Convenience
    • Pleasure
    • Happiness
    • Communication
  • Various ethical dilemmas involve the use of technological devices
  • Misuse or invention to produce bad results
  • Television
    • Ultimate medium for advertisement placements
    • Plays a significant role in lives of the people
  • 92% of urban homes and 70% of rural homes own at least one television set in the Philippines
  • Household with tv set reach more than 15 million (Noda, 2012)
  • Brief History of Television
    • Paul Gottlieb Nipkow (1860-1940) successfully sent images through wires with the aid of a rotating metal disk (Nipkow Disk)
    • Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton and Boris Rosing developed a new system of television by using Cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner system
  • Mobile Phones
    More than half of the Filipino population own at least one mobile phone regardless of type
  • Computers and Laptops
    • Not possible for all Filipino families to own at least one computer or laptop
    • Offices, businesses, or schools
    • Growing number of internet user in the Philippines, there are problems regarding the internet providers
  • Charles Babbage
    Father of computer, English Mathematician and inventor credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer
  • Osborne 1
    First true portable full-featured computer, released in June 1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation
  • Mobile phone subscription is at 119M
  • Filipinos spend 3.2 hours on mobile and 5.2 hrs on the desktop daily
  • The Philippines has one of the highest digital populations in the world
  • 47M active Facebook accounts
  • Fastest growing application market in Southeast Asia
  • Roles Played by These Technological Advancements
    • Television is mainly used as a platform for advertisement
    • Television is a good platform for different propaganda and advocacies
    • Mobile phones are primarily used for communication
    • People use their phones to surf the internet and to take pictures more than to text and call people
    • Other applications include music, calendar, radio, tv, and editor
    • Personal computers and laptops can be used to surf the internet and communicate
  • Robots
    • Significantly impacted the lives of the people; it made our lives efficient
    • The first dilemma is safety
    • The second dilemma is the emotional component of a robot
  • Service Robot
    • A robot that performs functional tasks for humans or equipment, excluding industrial automation applications
    • A personal service robot is used for a noncommercial task usually by laypersons
    • A professional service robot is used for a commercial task, usually operated by a properly trained operator
  • Roles Played by Robotics
    • They are primarily used to ease the workload of mankind
    • They were invented to make life more efficient and less stressful
    • Robots have their own set of rules and characteristics that define what a good robot is
  • Law One
    A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
  • Law Two
    A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law
  • Law Three
    A robot must protect its existence as long as such protection does not conflict with first and second law
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Television, Mobile Phones, Computers and Humanity
    • Safety: Who should be held accountable if someone's safety is compromised by a robot?
    • Emotional Component: What if robots become sentient should they be granted robot rights? Should they have their rights to be upheld, respected, and protected by humans?
  • Most parents would argue that these devices make their children lazy and unhealthy
  • People are freely exposed to different things on these devices
  • Ethics of Responsibility
    What ought to be allowed?
  • Responsibility
    Being accountable for and accountable to yourself