Dominance approach was theory that believed language spoken amongst people were to maintain and reinforce men's power
Dale Splender - 1980
Drew further attention to verbal dominance by interpreting women's silence as a form of oppression.
Any reference of a person were assumed to be a man (e.g. author of book assumed to be a man if gender unknown) - saw this as language asserting dominance through use of male pronoun
Males believed they were all powerful due to fact God was
Pamela Fisherman - 1980
Studied conversation between 3 American couples, drew similar conclusion to Lakoff (hedging, tag questions, hypercorrect grammar, etc.)
Viewed hardwork women do in convo as a result of inferior social status
called this "Interactional shitwork" as something she already studied in 1977
Study lead to next approach in studying gender
Don Zimmerman and Candace West 1975
From a study in a small sample, found that 96% of interruption in conversation is caused by men, taking more turns and having longer turns