We measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution using the pH scale.
What pH does stomach acid typically have?
about 2
what are two ways the pH of a solution can be measured?
chemical indicator
pH probe
The pH of a solution can be measured using a type of chemical dye that changes colour, depending on the pH of the substance it's mixed with.
This chemical dye is usually referred to as:
Universal indicator is made up of a several different indicator solutions. This means that it undergoes a smooth colour change over a wide range of pH values.
A pH probe electronically measures the pH of a solution.
what are the two reasons why using a probe maybe more reliable than using an indicator?
determines the colour of an indicator is subjective
a probe produces a more accurate result
A substance that forms anaqueoussolution with a pH lessthan7 is:
an acid
what ion is responsible for making an alkaline pH when dissolved in solution?
what are the common acids?
hydrocloric (HCL)
sulfuric (H2SO4)
nitric (HNO3)
what are the common bases?
sodium carbonates (NaOH)
calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
what is a base?
anysubstance that reactswithanacid to form a saltandwater only. e.g metal oxides and metal hydroxides
bases are solublein water are called alkalis and they dissolveinwater to form alkalinesolutions e.g sodium hydroxide is a base but also an alkali beacuse it dissolves in water