
Cards (19)

  • Tools for Monitoring Hydro Meteorological Hazard Maps in the Philippines

    • Temperature
    • Atmospheric Pressure
    • Atmospheric Humidity
    • Precipitation
    • Clouds
    • Special Instruments
  • Thermometer
    Measures the degree of hotness or coldness of a given substance
  • Maximum-Minimum Thermometer
    • Temperature refers to the degree of hotness and coldness
    • Unit of measurement is usually in degree Celsius/centigrade
  • Thermograph
    An instrument that records air temperature continuously on graphing paper
  • Mercural Barometer
    A simple barometer made by filling a glass tube 32 inches long with mercury
  • Aneroid Barometer
    Made by removing the air from a thin, circular, metallic box
  • Barograph
    A recording barometer
  • Sling Psychrometer
    Used to measure both the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures at time
  • Hygrometer
    An instrument used to measure the amount of water vapor in air, in soil, or in confined spaces
  • Hygrothermograph
    Records both relative humidity and temperature on graph paper
  • 8-inch Rain guage
    The inside diameter of the collector is exactly 8 inches above a funnel that conducts rain into a cylindrical measuring tube or receiver
  • Tipping-bucket rain gauge
    A type of rainfall recording instrument. It is an upright cylinder that has funnel-shaped collector
  • Ceiling light projector
    Projects vertically a narrow beam of light on to a cloud base
  • Ceiling balloon
    Another way of determining the height of the cloud base. A meteorological balloon whose rate of ascent has been predetermined
  • Pilot Balloon/Theodolite
    A meteorological balloon that is filled with gas lighter than air
  • Radiosonde
    An airborne instrument used for measuring pressure, temperature and relative humidity in the upper air
  • Rawin (Radio/Wind)
    Another special instrument which is short for Radar and Wind. It is an electronic device that measures pressure, temperature and humidity
  • Wind Finding Radar
    Determines the speed and direction of winds aloft by means of radar echoes
  • Weather Surveillance Radar
    Long range type which detects and tracks typhoons and cloud masses at distance of 400 kilometers or less