Regulating total water volume and total solute concentration in water
Regulating ion concentrations in extracellular fluid (ECF)
Ensuring long-term acid-base balance
Producing erythropoietin (regulates RBC production) and renin (regulates blood pressure)
Activating vitamin D
Carrying out gluconeogenesis, if needed
Functional units of kidney, each contains ~1 million, various parts
Renal Corpuscle
Glomerulus: highly porous capillaries, forms filtrate
Glomerular (Bowmans) capsule: surrounds glomerulus allows filtrate to enter
Renal tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule: closest to corpuscle
Nephron loop (loop of henle): descends into and out of the medulla
Distal convoluted tubule: furthers from corpuscle
Collecting duct
Distal convoluted tubule drains into
180 L of fluid processed daily, but only 1.5 L of urine is formed
Kidneys filter body's entire plasma volume 60 times each day
Kidneys consume 20–25% of oxygen used by body at rest
Produced by glomerular filtration, basically blood plasma minus proteins
Produced from filtrate
Physiology of Kidney
1. Glomerular filtration: produces filtrate
2. Tubular reabsorption: selectively returns 99% of substances from filtrate to blood
3. Tubular secretion: selectively moves substances from blood to filtrate
Glomerular Filtration
Passive process, requires no metabolic energy
Hydrostatic pressure forces fluids and solutes through filtrationmembrane
Allows water and solutes smaller than plasma proteins to pass (normally no cells pass)
No reabsorption into capillaries of glomerulus occurs
Hydrostaticpressure in glomerularcapillaries (HPgc)
Essentially glomerular bloodpressure, chief force pushing water, solutes out of blood, quite high: 55 mm Hg
Hydrostaticpressure in capsularspace (HPcs)
Filtrate pressure in capsule, 15 mm Hg
Colloidosmoticpressure in capillaries (OPgc)
"Pull" of proteins in blood, 30 mm Hg
Netfiltrationpressure (NFP)
Sum of forces
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Volume of filtrate formed per minute by both kidneys (normal = 120–125 ml/min)
Affects systemic blood pressure
Intrinsic controls (renalautoregulation)
Maintain GFR in kidney
Extrinsic controls
Maintain systemic blood pressure, nervous system and endocrine mechanisms are main extrinsic controls
Myogenic mechanism
1. Decreased BP detected through decreased stretch in afferent arterioles, leads to vasodilation to increase filtration
2. Increased BP detected through increased stretch, leads to constriction of afferent arterioles, restricts blood flow into glomerulus, protects from damage
1. Respond to filtrate's NaCl concentration
2. If GFR decreases, filtrate flow rate decreases, increased reabsorption time, causing lower NaCl levels in filtrate, change in NaCl concentration detected, feedback mechanism causes vasodilation, increased GFR
3. Opposite mechanism for increased GFR
Sympathetic nervous system
Under abnormal conditions, such as extremely low blood pressure, epinephrine and norepinephrine released, causing systemic vasoconstriction, which increases blood pressure, constriction of afferent arterioles, which decreases GFR
Tubular reabsorption
Quickly reclaims most of tubular contents and returns them to blood
Includes active and passive tubular reabsorption
Transcellular route
Solute enters apical membrane of tubule cells, travels through cytosol of tubule cells, exits basolateral membrane of tubule cells, enters blood through endothelium of peritubular capillaries
Paracellular route
Between tubule cells, limited by tightjunctions, but leaky in proximal nephron, water, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and some Na+ in the PCT move via this route
Na+ reabsorption
Involves active transport out of tubule cells, Na+-K+ ATPase pumps Na+ into interstitial space, Na+ is then swept by bulkflow into peritubular capillaries, provides energy and means for reabsorbing almost every other substance
Electrochemical gradient created by Na+ pumps
Gives "push" needed for transport of other solutes, organic nutrients reabsorbed by secondaryactive transport are cotransported with Na+, movement of Na+ and other solutes creates osmotic gradient for water and is transported through osmosis by aquaporins
Proximal convoluted tubule
Site of most reabsorption, all nutrients reabsorbed, 65% of Na+ and water reabsorbed, many ions, about half of urea (later secreted back into filtrate)
Nephron loop
Descending limb: H2O can leave, solutes cannot, Ascending limb: H2O cannot leave, solutes can
Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
Hormonally regulated in these areas, Antidiuretichormone (ADH) causes principal cells of collecting ducts to insert aquaporins in membranes, increasing water reabsorption, Aldosterone increases Na+ reabsorption, K+ secretion
Tubular secretion
Reabsorption in reverse, most occurs in PCT, substances moved from peritublarcapillaries through tubule cells out into filtrate (K+, H+, NH4+, creatinine, organicacids and bases, substances synthesized in tubule cells also are secreted)
Descending limb
H2O can leave, solutes cannot
Ascending limb
H2O cannot leave, solutes can
Reabsorptive Capabilities of Renal Tubules and Collecting Ducts
Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
Hormonally regulated in these areas
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Causes principal cells of collecting ducts to insert aquaporins in membranes, increasing water reabsorption
Increased ADH levels cause an increase in water reabsorption
Also increases urea reabsorption
Increases in Na+ reabsorption, K+ secretion
As a result, little Na+ leaves body
Cl- follows Na+
Functions: increase bloodpressure and decrease K+ levels
Tubular secretion
1. Reabsorption in reverse
2. Most occurs in PCT
3. Substances moved from peritublarcapillaries through tubule cells out into filtrate
4. K+, H+, NH4+, creatinine, organic acids and bases
5. Substances synthesized in tubule cells also are secreted (example: HCO3–)
Tubular secretion
Important for disposing of substances, such as drugs or metabolites
Eliminating undesirable substances that were passively reabsorbed (example: urea)
Ridding body of excess K+ (aldosterone effect)
Controlling blood pH by altering amounts of H+ or HCO3– in urine
Role of Kidneys in Acid-Base Balance
1. Lungs eliminate carbonic acid by eliminating CO2
2. Kidneys regulate acid-base balance by adjusting amount of bicarbonate and H+
3. Renal regulation of acid-base balance depends on kidney's ability to secrete or retain H+
4. To reabsorb bicarbonate, kidney must secrete H+
5. To excrete excess bicarbonate, kidney must retain (not secrete) H+