An important role player within an authorized financial services provider (FSP), who is a natural person (human being) employed by the FSP to ensure compliance with the FAIS Act
Key individual
Responsible for the management and oversight of the business
Every FSP must have someone fulfilling the role of a key individual
For one-person businesses, the owner will be the FSP and also act as the key individual
Applying for an FSP license
1. Natural person operating in their own name (sole proprietor)
2. Partnership where partners contribute money and time
3. Trust operated by trustees
4. Other legal entities such as private or public companies
To operate as an authorized FSP, you need a FAIS license
Commissioner, Registrar, Authority
Refers to the regulator (the office of the FSCA)
Role of the key individual
Managing and overseeing the rendering of financial services functions of the FSP
Monitoring and mitigating issues of non-compliance with the FAIS Act with the help of a compliance officer
Monitoring and supervising the work of the representatives of the FSP
A key individual operating as a sole proprietor may also serve as a representative
Key individual
The person responsible for managing and overseeing the rendering of the financial services functions of an FSP
Key individual's responsibilities
Managing and overseeing the rendering of the financial services functions of an FSP
Monitoring and mitigating issues of non-compliance with the FAIS Act with the help of a compliance officer
Monitoring and supervising the work of the representatives of an FSP
Managing as a key individual
1. Having executive control or authority
2. Guiding the business to its success or profitability
3. Following the rules and regulations
4. Responsible for day-to-day operations of an FSP
Day-to-day responsibilities of a key individual
Making sure the FSP maintains specified types of records for a period of five years
Maintaining full and proper accounting records and making sure that annual financial statements are timelessly submitted to the FSCA
Ensuring that fit and proper requirements are complied with on a continuous basis
Making sure that there are effective and adequate systems of corporate governance, risk management and internal controls
Making sure that the FSP only conducts business within the conditions of its authorization or licensed category and products or sub categories
Ensuring that only lawfully appointed representatives render financial services
Making sure that the representative register is maintained, updated and submitted to the FSCA or commissioner as required
Making sure that the FSP follows all directives issued by the FSCA
Supervision or oversight role of a key individual
Checking the representative's conduct and behavior through the work they do for the business to see if it's in line with the codes of conduct for representatives as set out in the legislation
Task 3
Defining the role of the key individual in terms of the phase act
Task 3 qualifying criteria
3 qualifying criteria
Explain the implications for representative should a key individual no longer meet the good standing honesty and integrity requirements
1. Explain the implications
2. Key individual no longer meets good standing, honesty and integrity requirements
Key individual
Important role within an FSP
How a key individual gets appointed by an FSP
1. FSP applies to FSCA to have nominated key individual approved
2. Applicant key individual fills in prescribed application form, signs it, gives it to FSP to lodge with FSCA or Commissioner for approval
Conditions for key individual appointment approval
Key individual must meet fit and proper requirements as defined in FAIS Act
FSCA determines if key individual meets fit and proper requirements before granting approval
After approval, FSP is able to appoint key individual to manage and oversee rendering of financial services and compliance with FAIS Act
FSCA, Commissioner, Registrar, Authority are used interchangeably to refer to the regulator
Fit and proper requirements for key individual
Character qualities
Operational abilities
Character qualities
Honesty, integrity, good standing
Competence requirements
Regulatory examinations
Operational ability
Capabilities of an FSP to conduct business in an organized and professional way
Key individual responsibilities
Ensuring effective and adequate systems of corporate governance, risk management and internal controls
Ensuring only lawfully appointed representatives render financial services
Ensuring fit and proper requirements are complied with on a continuous basis
Ensuring specified records are kept for minimum 5 years
Without a key individual, there is no one in the FSP to take full responsibility for management and supervision, which would be in contravention of the FAIS Act and render the FSP non-compliant
Change in appointed key individual
May cause change to FSP's license or authorization
Appointment of additional key individual will not have negative implications if existing key individuals already meet prevailing requirements