Freeze thaw weathering- The water inside then freezes causing the ice to expand adding pressure on the rock
Freeze-thaw weathering- when the water thaws it leaves broken rock with scree
corrie formation- Snow gathers on a north facing side of a mountain and overtime forms a glacier
The glacier erodes the landscape through the process of freeze thaw weathering of when water collects in cracks of rocks and freezes and expands therefore causing the rock to break off and causing scree. Overtime making the hollow deeper.
Eventually the ice melts and leaving behind a corrie lock often with water inside
Arête formation- when 2 corries form back to back with a steep ridge in the middle forms an arête.
Pyramidal peak formation- when 3 or more corries form back to back this creates a pointed peak in the middle creating a pyramidal peak.
U-shaped valley formation- A river runs through a v-shaped valley with interlocking spurs
U-shaped valley formation- Through the process of plucking of when ice freezes onto rock and ripping it off the landscape the glacier erodes the valley. The sides are made steeper through freeze-thaw and abrasion