3 separate but related functions: 1. ventilation (breathing), 2. gasexchange, 3. oxygen utilization by the tissues in the energy-liberating reactions of cell respiration
Gas exchange in each lung
Occurs across an estimated 300 million air sacs known as pulmonary alveoli
Diffusion rate between alveolar air and capillary blood also depends on distance separating them
Thickness of average alveolar cell and capillary endothelial cells is about 0.15 micrometers
Air-blood distance = 0.3 micrometers
Type Ialveolar cells comprise 95-97% of total surface area of the lung, gas exchange with blood occurs primarily through type I alveolar cells
Thoracic cavity
The structures in the central region (mediastinum) are enveloped by two layers of wet epithelial membrane collectively called the pleuralmembranes
Superficial later (parietal pleura) lines inside of thoracic wall
Deep layer (visceral pleura) covers surface of lungs
Boyle's law
The statement that the pressure of a given quantity of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume
Changes in intrapulmonary pressure
Occur as a result of changes in lung volume
Increase in lung volume during inspiration
Decreases intrapulmonary pressure to subatmospheric levels, air therefore goes in
Decrease in lung volume
Raises the intrapulmonary pressure above that of the atmosphere, expelling air from the lungs
Law of Laplace
The pressure thus created is directly proportional to the surfacetension and inversely proportional to the radius of the alveolus
Alveolar fluid contains a substance that reduces surface tension
Secreted into alveoli by type II alveolar cells and consists mostly of phospholipids
Primarily phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol together with hydrophobic surfactant proteins
Inspiration and expiration
1. External intercostal muscles
2. Internal intercostal muscles
3. Interchondral part of internal intercostals (parasternal intercostals)
Subject breathes in a closed system in which air is trapped within a light plastic bell floating in water
Bell moves up when the subject exhales and down when the subject inhales
Movement of the bell causes corresponding movements of a pen, which traces a record of the breathing (spirogram)
Shortness of breath
Dalton's law
Total pressure of a gas mixture (such as air) is equal to the sum of the pressures that each gas in the mixture would exert independently
With increasing altitude
The total atmospheric pressure and the partial pressure of the constituent gases decrease
At Denver (5000ft above sea level), the atmospheric pressure is decreased to 619mmHg and the PO2 is therefore reduced to 619 x 0.21 = 130mmHg
At the peak of Mount Everest (29,000ft), the PO2 is only 42mmHg
As one descends below sea level, as in scuba diving
The total pressure increases by one atmosphere for every 33ft
At 33ft, pressure = 2 x 760 = 1520mmHg
At 66ft, pressure = 3atms
Partial pressures of gases in blood
Because solubility is a constant and the temperature of the blood does not vary significantly, the concentration of a gas dissolved in a fluid such as plasma depends directly on its partial pressure in the gas mixture
Significance of blood PO2 and PCO2 measurements
Because the oxygen carried by RBCs must first dissolve in plasma before it can diffuse to the tissue cells, a doubling of the blood PO2 means that the rate of oxygen diffusion to the tissues would double under these conditions
Breathing from a tank of 100% oxygen (PO2 of 760mmHg) would significantly increase oxygen delivery to the tissues, although it would have little effect on the total oxygen content of blood
Pulmonary circulation
Low-resistance, low-pressure pathway
Low pulmonary blood pressure produces less filtration pressure than that produced in the systemic capillaries, thus affords protection against pulmonary edema
Excessive fluid can enter interstitial spaces of the lungs and alveoli, impeding ventilation and gas exchange, occurs with pulmonary hypertension, may be produced by leftventricular heart failure
Nitrogen narcosis
Increased amounts of nitrogen dissolved in plasma membranes at high partial pressures
Resembles alcoholic intoxication, depending on depth of the dive
Brain stem respiratory centers
Respiratory rhythm is generated by a loose aggregation of neurons in ventrolateral region of medullaoblongata, which forms rhythmicity center
Control of automatic breathing
Group of neurons called pre-Botzinger complex in ventrolateral medulla is believed to generate inspiratory rhythm
Although it has intrinsic rhythmicity, and its neurons have automatic bursts of activity, the mechanism by which pre-Botzinger complex generates inspiratory rhythm is not fully understood
Its automatic rhythm is influenced by bothexcitatory and inhibitory synapses, and so can be modified by requirements for speech and other motor activities
Chemoreceptors in the medulla
Increase in arterial PCO2 causes an increase in the PCO2 of the CSF, lowering its pH
This stimulates central chemoreceptor neurons located in the retrotrapezoid nucleus on the centrolateral surface of the medulla oblongata, near the exit of the 9th and 10th cranial nerves
These central chemoreceptors then stimulate breathing via their projections to pre-Botzinger complex of medulla
Effects of blood PO2 on ventilation
When blood PCO2 is held constant, PO2 of arterial blood must fall from 100mmHg to below70mmHg before ventilation is significantly stimulated
Hypoxic drive
Due to direct effect of PO2 on carotid bodies
Effects of pulmonary receptors on ventilation
Irritant receptors in the wall of the larynx and receptors in the lungs identified as rapidly adapting receptors, can cause a person to cough in response to components of smoke and smog, and to inhaled particulates
Most of the oxygen in the blood is contained within RBCs, where it is chemically bonded to hemoglobin
Each Hb molecule consists of 4 polypeptide chains called globins and 4 iron-containing, disc shaped organic pigment molecules called hemes
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
Percent oxyhemoglobin saturation at different values of PO2
At the steep part of sigmoidal curve, small changes in PO2 values produce large differences in percent saturation
Decrease in venous PO2 from 40mmHg to 30mmHg, as might occur during mild exercise, corresponds to a change in percent saturation from 75% to 58%
Effect of pH and temperature on oxygen transport
A decrease in blood pH (increase in H+ concentration) decreases affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen at each PO2 value, resulting in "shift to the right" (Bohr effect)
A curve that is shifted to the right has a lower percent oxyhemoglobin saturation at each PO2, and a greater unloading of oxygen to tissues
Sickle-cell anemia
Occurs almost exclusively in people of African heritage
Carried in recessive state by 8-11% of African American population, making it the most common monogenic disorder
Occurs when a person inherits the affected gene from each parent and produces HbS instead of normal HbA
Differs in that one aminoacid is substituted for another (valine instead of glutamic acid) in Hb beta chains
Single base change in DNA of the beta chain gene
Red pigment found exclusively in striated muscle cells
Slow-twitch, aerobically respiring skeletal fibers and cardiac muscle cells in particular
Chloride shift
Unloading of oxygen is increased by the bonding of H+ released from carbonic acid to oxyhemoglobin
Bohr effect results in increased conversion of oxyhemoglobin to deoxyhemoglobin
Deoxyhemoglobin bonds H+ more strongly, so act of unloading its oxygen improves ability of Hb to buffer H+ released by carbonic acid
Removal of H+ from solution by its bonding to Hb then acts through the law of mass action to favor the continued production of carbonic acid
Increases ability of blood to transport CO2
CO2 transport enhances oxygen unloading and oxygen unloading improves CO2 transport
Reversed chloride shift
Operates in the pulmonary capillaries to convert carbonic acid to H2O and CO2 gas, which is eliminated in expired breath
PCO2, carbonic acid, H+ and bicarbonate concentrations in the systemic arteries are thus maintained relatively constant by normal ventilation
Required to maintain acid-base balance of the blood
Acid-base balance
A fall in blood pH below 7.35 = acidosis
Blood pH of 7.2 represents serious acidosis
A rise in blood pH above 7.45 is called alkalosis
Neurogenic and humoral mechanisms
To explain increased ventilation during exercise
Neurogenic: 1. Sensory nerve activity from the exercising limbs may stimulate respiratory muscles either through spinal reflexes or via brain stem respiratory centers, 2. Input from cerebralcortex may stimulate brain stem centers to modify ventilation
Starting at altitudes as low as 5000ft
Decreased arterial PO2 stimulates carotid bodies to produce an increase in ventilation
Hypoxic ventilatory response
Increased breathing = hyperventilation
Lowers arterial PCO2 and produces respiratory alkalosis