Cards (162)

  • Census
    A survey conducted by including every element of the population
  • Cluster
    A subgroup (usually geographical) of the population that is representative of the population
  • Cluster sampling
    A sampling technique in which the population is divided into clusters and a sample is chosen from one or a few clusters
  • Continuous variable
    A (quantitative) variable that can assume any numerical value over a certain interval or intervals
  • Control group
    The group of elements on which no condition is imposed
  • Convenience sample

    A sample that includes the most accessible members of the population
  • Cross-section data
    Data collected on different elements at the same point in time or for the same period of time
  • Data or data set

    Collection of observations or measurements on a variable
  • Descriptive statistics
    Methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data using tables, graphs, and summary measures
  • Designed experiment
    A study in which the experimenter controls the assignment of elements to different treatment groups
  • Discrete variable

    A (quantitative) variable whose values are countable
  • Double-blind experiment

    An experiment in which neither the doctors (or researchers) nor the patients (or members) know to which group a patient (or member) belongs
  • Element or member

    A specific subject or object included in a sample or population
  • Experiment
    A method of collecting data by controlling some or all factors
  • Inferential statistics
    Methods that help make decisions about a population based on sample results
  • Judgment sample
    A sample that includes the elements of the population selected based on the judgment and prior knowledge of an expert
  • Nonrandom sample
    A sample drawn in such a way that some members of the population have no chance of being selected in the sample
  • Nonresponse error

    The error that occurs because many of the people included in the sample do not respond
  • Nonsampling or systematic errors
    The errors that occur in the collection, recording, and tabulation of data
  • Observation or measurement
    The value of a variable for an element
  • Observational study
    A study in which the assignment of elements to different treatments is voluntary, and the researcher simply observes the results of the study
  • Population or target population

    The collection of all elements whose characteristics are being studied
  • Qualitative or categorical data

    Data generated by a qualitative variable
  • Qualitative or categorical variable

    A variable that cannot assume numerical values but is classified into two or more categories
  • Quantitative data
    Data generated by a quantitative variable
  • Quantitative variable
    A variable that can be measured numerically
  • Quota sample
    A sample selected in such a way that each group or subpopulation is represented in the sample in exactly the same proportion as in the target population
  • Random sample
    A sample drawn in such a way that each element of the population has some chance of being included in the sample
  • Randomization
    The procedure in which elements are assigned to different (treatment and control) groups at random
  • Representative sample

    A sample that contains the characteristics of the population as closely as possible
  • Response error
    The error that occurs because people included in the survey do not provide correct answers
  • Sample
    A portion of the population of interest
  • Sample survey
    A survey that includes elements of a sample
  • Sampling frame

    The list of elements of the target population that is used to select a sample
  • Sampling or chance error

    The difference between the result obtained from a sample survey and the result that would be obtained from the census
  • Selection error
    The error that occurs because the sampling frame is not representative of the population
  • Simple random sampling
    If all samples of the same size selected from a population have the same chance of being selected, it is called simple random sampling
  • Statistics
    Science of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data and making decisions
  • Stratified random sampling
    A sampling technique in which the population is divided into different strata and a sample is chosen from each stratum
  • Stratum
    A subgroup of the population whose members are similar with regard to the possession of a characteristic