Social (alleviating starvation and hunger, increasing yield and population density)
Negative effects of deforestation
Economic (depletion of forestresources, depletion of non-renewable resources)
Socio-cultural (disappearance of tribal-indigenous people, loss of traditional culture and knowledge)
Physical/environmental (erosion, increased sedimentation and flooding, water pollution,declineinsoilfertility,destruction of flora and fauna, modifications to the atmosphere)
Avicennia has special salt glands within leaves which secrete excess salt, and as the salt evaporates, crystals form on the surface of their leaves and are blown away by the wind.
The cone-shaped or pencil-likepneumatophores of the Sonneratia and Avicennia and the knee-like roots of the Bruguiera which growabovetheoxygen-poormud supply the partiallysubmergedrootsystem with oxygen via lenticels on their surfaces.
The climate change caused by deforestation can lead to extreme weather, wildfires, drought, and food supply disruptions.