any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance with the expectation of increases in strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance.
any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against and external resistance with the expectation of increases in strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance
resistance training
number of workouts/training sessions per week
refers to the length of the workout
describes the amount of weight lifted and associated to the level of fatigue
can include a single set of 8-10 diff exercise that employ movement patterns and target major muscles
for improvement of muscle endurance, rest periods are shorter but for strengths, rest periods are longer 2-3 minutes
rest intervals
fitness goals, status, and training experience influence this
exercise selection
lower body exercises are further broken down into
hip and knee dominant
movements in the upper body exercises are described as
vertical and horizontal push and pull movements
relies to the premise that to improve, the muscle mus produce work at a level that is higher than its regular workload
overload principle
means the body adapts to the initial overload, the overload must be adjusted and increase gradually
progressive principle
adaptation to physical activity occurs gradually and naturally, but time must be allowed for the regenerate and build
recovery principle
all gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not continue exercise
reversibility principle
state that each form of the activity would produce different result
specificity principle
refers to how often the exercise is done
refers to how hard the activity/exercise is
refers to duration or how long the exercise will take
refers to a kind of activity or exercise
are those that require movement of flexion/extension around the hip joint, with minimal movement around the knee joint.
hip dominant movements
movements in this training target the posterior (back) of the upper leg - the hamstring muscle groups.
hip dominant movements
target muscles of hip dominant movements/exercises
hamstring, glutes, erectus spinae
exercise under regression of hip dominant movement
hip bridge
exercise under standard level hip dominant movement
single-leg deadlift
exercise under progression level hip dominant movement
dumbbell deadlift, bulgarian split squat, kettle bell swing, russian swing
movements/ exercise that increase your range of motion
resistance exercise to strengthen you back, hip, and legs
improve mobility, movement, and stability of upper body and lower body
what are the target muscles of lunges
quads, hamstrings, glutus
exercise under regression in lunges movement
split squat
exercise under standard level lunges movement
reversed lunges
exercises under progression level lunge movement
dumbbell lunge, dumbbell alternating lunge
exercises that have deep movement at the hip and knee.
knee-dominant exercises
what are the objectives of knee dominant exercises
performance enhancement, injury prevention, strength gains, or size gains.
what are the target muscles of knee dominant exercises
hamstrings, gluteus maximus, vastas lateralis, and gastrocnemius
exercise under regression of knee-dominant movements
exercise under standard level of knee-dominant movement
goblet squat
exercises under progression level under knee-dominant movement
front squat, back squat
this resistance training technique is any movement in which you are pulling resistance in a vertical path from the overhead position.
vertical pull
usually done with your arms extended overhead as you pull weight up or down toward you chest using both the shoulders and elbow joints.