Cards (41)

  • Graphic organizer
    A visual aid that organizes and simplifies information
  • Graphic organizers
    • Used to summarize information from an academic paper
    • Used to verbalize conceptual/theoretical framework for qualitative research
  • Types of graphic organizers
    • Venn diagram
    • T-chart
    • Data retrieval chart
    • Data storage chart
    • Flow chart
    • Ishikawa diagram
    • Sunburst
    • Pyramid
    • Timeline
    • Fire triangle
    • Concept map
  • Venn diagram

    Illustrates similarities and differences between concepts
    1. chart
    Illustrates the differences between concepts
  • Data retrieval chart
    Modified version of a t-chart with more rows/horizontal lines to help visualize ideas
  • Data storage chart
    Contains missing elements to allow visualizing information already available and what is still needed
  • Flow chart
    Shows sequence in events, steps in a process, or cause and effect
  • Ishikawa diagram

    Shows cause and effect, named after the inventor
  • Sungram
    Shows minor topics arising from a major topic
  • Pyramid
    Shows hierarchy, with most important at the bottom and most effective at the top
  • Timeline

    Shows sequence of events
  • Fire triangle
    Shows the relationship among 3 elements that are dependent on one another: oxygen, heat, and fuel
  • Concept map
    Arranges ideas from left to right, pushes exploration of subtopics, understanding relationships, and organizing thoughts
  • Causes of writer's block

    • Page fright
    • Fear of the blank sheet
    • Writing without the muse
    • Inability to get things started
  • Page fright
    Freezing at the weight of the task and staring blankly at the paper
  • Fear of the blank sheet
    Anxiety with facing a blank sheet or canvas and pressure to create something
  • Writing without the muse
    Without a creative muse, you will not be inspired to start at all
  • Inability to get things started
    Mind is too clouded, either mentally (thinking about too many things) or physically (too busy with life)
  • Ways to overcome writer's block

    • Positive self-talk
    • List down achievements
    • Interview
    • Brainstorm
    • Divide large tasks
    • Concede its existence
    • Find inspiration
    • Take a break
    • Establish a routine
    • Cope with the badness
    • Reinvent your space
    • Go back to the start
    • Morning pages
  • Positive self-talk
    Encourage and believe in yourself that you can do the task
  • Morning pages
    A piece of writing made up of three pages, used as a dumping site for ideas that get in the way of writing
  • Information report
    A text that presents facts, examples, history, and background on a topic
  • Sentence definitions generated, if developed further, may serve as examples of information reports
  • Based on the definitions provided, one may conclude that there are different ways to define a concept
  • There are different types of academic and professional texts that may use definitions in beginning their discussions
  • Concept paper
    An academic and professional text that discusses or clarifies the "whatness" of an idea/term
  • Concept paper structure
    1. Starts with a definition
    2. Expanded definition and analytic description
    3. Explain why idea is important and what will happen if implemented
    4. Thorough explanation
  • In the academic setting, a concept paper may come before a research proposal
  • Research proposal
    Something that is done before a full-blown research paper is carried out, implemented, or approved for funding
  • Concept paper in the workplace
    A proposed idea that may not be detailed yet, but provides the reader a framework or overview of how it can be carried out or implemented
  • Concept paper presentation
    1. Give a clear picture of what the research, project, or feasibility study is about
    2. Clarify the purpose and necessary process
    3. Introduction
    4. Background
    5. Objectives
    6. Methodology
    7. Expected outcomes
    8. Next steps
    9. Conclusion
  • A concept paper is not just purely an information report type of text, it also aims to convince the reader that the idea should be implemented
  • Project proposal
    A request for financial assistance to implement a project, a detailed description of activities aimed at solving a problem
  • Effective project proposal
    • Clear
    • Accurate and objective (factual)
    • Actual evidence
    • Accessible
    • Correct
    • Concise (2-3 pages)
    • Understandable
    • Detailed implementation plan
    • Based on facts
    • Justifies support for company's causes
    • Answers all possible questions
    • Establishes the activity's worth
    • Grammatically sound
    • Follows a logical format
  • Project proposal components
    • Project title
    • Rationale
    • Objectives
    • Project proponents
    • Description
    • Target beneficiaries/audience
    • Venue
    • Project duration
    • Program flow
    • Budget proposal
  • Both concept paper and project proposal contain topic, overview, background, and objectives
  • The ability to read and write is essential for communication, education, employment, and personal growth.
  • Writing involves encoding thoughts, ideas, or information into written form using language.
  • Reading is the process of decoding written symbols to extract meaning.