
Cards (23)

  • Patella
  • Femur
    Thigh Bone
  • Humerus
    Upper arm bone
  • Phalanges
    Finger and Toes (tops)
  • Radius
    Under the thumb (lateral, lower arm bone)
  • Ulna
    Next to the radius
  • Tibia
    Big bone of lower leg
  • Fibula
    Smaller bone of lower leg
  • Pelvis
    Hips bones
  • Clavicle
    Collar bone
  • Scapula
    Shoulder blades
  • Cranium
  • Sternum
    Middle of ribs
  • Carpals
    Hand base (wrist bones)
  • Tarsals
    Foot base (ankle bones)
  • Meta Carpals
    Middle of hand
  • Meta Tarsals
    Middle of feet
  • Sacrum
    At the bottom of the spine, above the coccyx
  • Thoracic Vertebrae

    The middle vertebrae
  • Cervical Vertebrae
    The upper vertebrae, by the neck
  • Lumbar vertebrae

    The lower vertebrae, lower back
  • Coccyx
  • Calcaneus
    heel bone