Cards (5)

  • Life and Death
    Elesin: “But the smell of their flesh…this is the last air I wish to breathe”
    Elesin: “(Even those) We call it immortal. Should fear death”
    Elesin: “this hive which contains the swarm of the world in its small compass.”
    Olunde:  “It is an affirmative commentary on life.”
    Elesin: “You did not save my life District Officer. You destroyed it”
  • Women and Power
    Praise-Singer: “The hands of the women also weaken the unwary”
    Jane: “Simon, you really must watch your language.”
    The (unnamed) girls: “Then tell him to leave this market. This is the home of our mothers”
    Jane: Nonsense. Life should never be thrown deliberately away.”
    Iyaloja: “It drags behind me on the slow, weary feet of women.”
  • Duty and collective responsibility 
    Elesin: “The smallest errand! Life is honour.
    It ends when honour ends.”
    Jane: “Simon, you really must watch your language”
    The (unnamed) girls : “Yes I indeed do. I have a rather faithful ox called Amusa”
    Pilkings: “I wasn't aware of the whole business until tonight sir.”
    Elesin: “It is when the alien hand pollutes the source of will…turned me into an infant”
  • Colonialism
    Pilkings: “…any mumbo-jumbo. And now look at you!”
    The (unnamed) girls : “We don't want the eater of white left-overs”
    The Resident: “ Nose to the ground Pilkings, nose to the ground.”
    Elesin: “You did not fail in the main thing ghostly one.”
  • Themes
    Life and death
    Women and Power
    Duty and collective responsibility