
Cards (14)

  • Vibrance is used to adjust the color saturation of the image
  • Hue refers to the individual color
  • Saturation refers to the purity of color
  • Hue/Saturation shifts the entire color range to another range
  • Color Balance changes the mixture of colors by making subtle changes
  • Black and White is used to convert color images to grayscale
  • Photo Filter simulates the technique of putting colored filter in front of camera lens
  • Channel Mixer is used to create grayscale, sepia-toned, and other tinted images
  • Sepia refers to the technique of creating monochromatic picture in the shades of brown
  • Selective Color is used by high end scanner and color sepration programs
  • Variation changes the overall color mixture of the image
  • Match Color changes the color of the image based on the colors of another image
  • Replace Color changes the color of the defined area in the image
  • Equalize spreads out the brightness and contrast