Methods used to persuade/force individuals to conform to social norms/values
Informal social control
Norms/values people are socialised into that teach what is right and wrong
E.g. CCTV, stigmatisation of a criminal record
Formal social control
Positive/negative sanctions applied by the CJS
E.g. prison sentence, restraining order, fine
Social construction of crime/deviance
There is no fixed definition of crime/deviance because it is dependent on the culture of a society
Societal deviance
Acts which are perceived by most members of a society as deviant
E.g. drink driving, child abuse
Situational deviance
Acts which are only defined as deviant in particular contexts
E.g. swearing, use of drugs
How definitions of deviance can vary:
Non-deviant crime e.g. underage drinking
The time e.g. smoking indoors wasn't deviant until being criminalised
The society/culture e.g. women driving
The social group/subculture e.g. piercings, tattoos
The place/context e.g. 'loss of control' defence
Biological theory of crime
The genetic makeup of criminals makes them predisposed to crime
Lombroso: 'atavistic' features e.g. dark skin, extra fingers
Psychological theory of crime
Criminal behaviour is determined by genetics & personality
E.g. Mobley Defence: Stephen Mobley was sentenced to death for murder, & his lawyers appealed by arguing brain trauma made him predisposed to seeking violent solutions to conflict
Durkheim: functions of crime
Inevitable feature of social life because not everyone will commit to norms/values; 4 necessary features:
Strengthens collective values: shocking crimes reaffirm boundaries of behaviour e.g. Sarah Everard
Enables social change: certain level of deviance allows for new ideas e.g. BLM movement
Safety valve: relieves stresses in society e.g. 2011 London riots
Warning device: highlights problems e.g. prison suicides
Merton: strain theory
Social order is based on consensus around social goals/means
Inequality means not everyone has the means; 5 responses:
Innovation: maintain goals, reject means, turn to crime
Ritualism: lose sight of goals, follow means
Retreatism: reject goals & means, drop out of society
Rebellion: replace goals/means with radical alternatives
Cohen: status frustration
Working class youth are denied opportunities to achieve accepted goals by approved means
Feel they're denied status -> status frustration
React by developing a delinquent subculture: alternative values so award status based on delinquency
Cloward & Ohlin: expansion of Cohen's work
Cohen's theory doesn't allow for diversity of responses:
Criminal: in areas with an existing criminal network; apprenticed into crime, opportunities for progression
Conflict: areas without an existing criminal network; frustrations are channeled into clashes with other groups
Retreatist: opt out of society & alleviate frustrations through deviance e.g. drugs, petty crime
Miller: focal concerns
Working class has an independent set of norms/values through which they gain status, based on satisfying 'focal concerns':
Toughness e.g. crime involving violence
Smartness: street smarts e.g. illegal gambling, low level fraud
Autonomy: anti-authority
Fate: fatalism
Hirschi: control theory & 4 social bonds
Social order maintained through socialisation; social bonds prevent people committing crime
Attachment: people have goals & means of achieving them e.g. education, employment; crime could disrupt these
Belief: commitment to society's norms/values & belief that crime is morally wrong
Commitment: risk of social stigma within the community
Involvement: alleviates frustration by providing status; involvement with local community & awareness of the potential damage & a lack of time
Marxist view of crime & deviance
Law/law enforcement are aspects of ruling class control
Capitalism is criminogenic
Ruling class media ownership -> focus on working class crime
Neo-marxist view of crime & deviance
No one is forced to commit crime
Working class crime = symbolic acts of resistance
Capitalism has a role but it's not as simple as Marxism claims
Gordon (Marxist): capitalism & crime
Capitalist society = 'dog eat dog' so crime is inevitable
Law exists to protect the bourgeoisie not the proletariat
Prosecution of corporate crimes suggests CJS is fair
Snider (Marxist): corporate/white collar crime
Costs society more than street crime
Capitalism encourages corporate crime: competition leads firms to break the law for higher profits
Corporate crime is rarely prosecuted & rarely results in a custodial sentence e.g. corporate witnesses for Grenfell got immunity
Chambliss (Marxist): the law
Purpose is to protect private property & the ruling class
Crime is universal within the class system because capitalism is individualistic & utilitarian
Working class have limited means to commit crime so gravitate towards violence/exploitation of weaker individuals to alleviate frustration/make money
Ruling class have unlimited means so can commit more subtle forms e.g. corporate
Gramsci (Neo-Marxist): 'crisis of hegemony'
Authority of the state/ruling class is challenged & status quo is questioned e.g. Casey Report
Gilroy (Neo-Marxist): myth of black criminality
Crime by young ethnic minorities is political resistance to racism
Crime by black youths isn't due to poor socialisation/subcultures
Black youth are in conflict with their white oppressors: resisting neo-colonialism e.g. Colston statue
Hall: 'black mugger' stereotype
Fabrication by the media at a time of societal upheaval (rise of immigration & unemployment); bourgeoisie needed a scapegoat
Systemic racism goes hand in hand with labelling
Taylor, Walton, & Young: fully social theory
To understand crime, need to view it in its totality
Wider origins of deviant act (societal cause)
Immediate origins of deviant act (particular circumstances)
Act itself (meaning for individual)
Immediate origins of social reaction (linked to individual)
Wider origins of social reaction (rest of society)
Effects of labelling & impact on future behaviour (will they be labelled, will it become a master status etc.)
Primary deviance (Lemert - Interactionist)
Deviance that hasn't been publicly labelled
E.g. stealing stationery from work
Secondary deviance (Lemert - Interactionist)
Deviance that follows once a person has been publicly labelled as deviant
E.g. viewing child porn
Young (Interactionist): deviance amplification spiral
Police arrest people for minor offences
Media sensationalises these stories & create a folk devil which generates a moral panic
Police crack down further in response, media report further
Folk devils begin resisting arrest & turning to new forms of crime
E.g. drugs in Notting Hill
Becker: labelling
Act only becomes deviant when others perceive & define it as such
Police operate with preconceptions about what constitutes 'trouble'/criminal 'types'/criminal areas
Labelling & societal reaction can lead to self-fulling prophecy & deviant career by closing off legitimate opportunities
Juvenile crime rates consistently higher in working class areas
Police view behaviour of working class youths differently
Perceive middle class youth as coming from 'good' backgrounds with family support to change their behaviour
E.g. Brock Turner (6mo of a maximum sentence of 14yrs)