Research is systematic inquiry using disciplined methods to solve problems or answer questions
Nursing research
Systematic inquiry to develop knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession
Roles of Nurses in Research
Producer of research
Intelligent consumer of research findings
Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
The use of the best clinical evidence in making patient care decisions
Both the consumer and the producers play a key role in EBP
Florence Nightingale pioneered research (handwashing reducing the spread of germs, and disease)
The first journal on research (nursing research) emerged 1950s
Clinical research becomes increasingly important 1970s
The National Health Research Development Program (NHRDP) and the Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC) were established
The Canadian health services research foundation and Canadian institutes of Health Research were established
Future Directions for Nursing Research
Heightened focus on evidence-based practice
Increased use of multiple confirmatory strategies and replication
Greater stress on integrative reviews
Increased multidisciplinary collaboration
Expanded dissemination of research findings
Greater focus on outcomes research
Sources of Evidence for Nursing Practice
Clinicalexperience; trial and error; intuition
Logical reasoning (inductive and deductive)
Assembled information (e.g., quality improvement data)
Disciplined research
A worldview; a general perspective on the complexities of the real world, with certain assumptions
Positivist paradigm
Quantitative - cling to more objective, fixed numbers
Reality exists there is a real world driven by natural causes
The inquirer is independent from those being studied
Values are held in check; objective is sought
Most often allied with the positivist tradition
Fixed design, discrete, specific concepts, deductive processes, control over context, verification of hunches, quantitative information, seeks generalizations
Naturalistic paradigm
Qualitative - constructivism, things are built, more interested in the process or experience
Reality is multiple and subjective; constructed by individuals
The inquirer interacts with those being studied; findings reflect this interaction (bracketing; positionality; reflexivity)
Subjectivity and values are inevitable and desirable