Jargons - Technical, used only by people belonging to the same field of specialization or exclusively used by set of persons
Multisyllabic words - some terms reflecting the inherent characteristics of research as a scientific method are made up of a number of syllables
Types & Forms of Questions - Seek to ask questions, describe relationship, give reasons, Quali - views opinions, emotions, Quanti - exact numb, %, frequency
Research Time Frame - Cross sectional study - One time collection of data in a span of time, Longitudinal study - Repeated collection of data over time
Variable Relationships - Cause of something - independent variable, Bears the effect of indep - dependent variable, Nuisance variable - extraneous variable, Unchanging variable - constant variable
Hypothesis Formulation - Negative Result - Null hypo (H0), Positive Result - Alternative hypo ( H1)
Data - Quali, Quanti
Definition of terms - Theoretical - Based on concepts, dictionary, Operational - Based on its application