Cards (30)

  • 3 meters 1. What is the maximum cable length for USB 3.0 using a non-twisted pair wire?
  • Storage drive 2. M.2 is a form factor for___
  • Real Time Clock/Non Volatile Random Access Memory (RTC/NVRAM) chip 3. What kind of chip stores the settings in the BIOS?
  • ISO file 4. It is used as a substitute for actual disc, allowing users to run software without having to load a CD or DVD.
  • Windows Ultimate 5. What Windows edition has a program capable of restricting other users to access certain programs in a computer?
  • System32 6. In what folder that the device driver can be found?
  • Red 5V, Yellow = 12V 7. An ideal voltage range on the hotwires of a Molex connector?
  • Straight-Thru 8. What Ethernet cable used to connect computers to hubs & switches?
  • LAN Card 9. A network interface controller also known as
  • Class C 10. What Class of IP address is
  • Core 11. A router that is design to operate in the Internet backbone.
  • MAC Address Filtering 12. allows to define a list of devices and only allow those devices on Wi-Fi network.
  • Wireless Personal Area Network 13. What type of network that connects through signals, e.g. Infrared?
  • Wireless Local Area Network 14. allows users to move around the coverage area in a line of sight while maintaining a network connection.
  • NetBackup 15. is an enterprise-level heterogeneous backup and recovery suite.
  • Loss 17. is an information asset suffering damage, unintended modification or disclosure.
  • WPS 18. The network security standard that tries to make connections between a router and
  • File Transfer Protocol 19. Which of the following is the most efficient in transferring larger files?
  • Spoofing 20. What technique used to gain unauthorized access to computers, wherein the intruder sends messages with a source IP address?
  • File Screening 21. It enables administrators to define the types of file that can save within a Window volume and folder.
  • Network Load Balancing 22. What second clustering technology provides by corresponding client requests across several servers with replicated configurations?
  • Circular Logging 23. What log files that conserves disk space by ensuring that the performance log file will not continue growing over certain limits?
  • Network card 24. A ___ should be upgraded to receive and transmit strong signals to and from other computer.
  • Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) 25. A protocol that provides quick, automatic, and central management for the distribution of IP addresses within a network.
  • NSlookup 26. What command-line tool used to find the IP address that corresponds to a host or domain name?
  • Nslookup 27. What command-line tool used to find the IP address that corresponds to a host or domain name?
  • CMOS battery failure 27. What is the problem of a computer if the time and date keeps on resetting even after fixing the BIOS?
  • CrystalDiskInfo 28. A tool used for checking the condition of the hard drive with signs like "Good", "Caution" or "Bad"
  • Implementing the solution 29. A task to do after planning to fix the network is___
  • Software troubleshooting 30. A process of scanning, identifying, diagnosing and resolving problems, errors and bugs in software.