glv VE 4.1

Cards (29)

  • Sin- Acting/failing to act, or a power/force that leads us to evil
  • Christian- not all about "not sinning" but "doing good"
  • baptism- On this sacrament, we enter a covenant with God made possible by the redemptive act of His Son in the Holy Spirit.
  • Faith History- reveals God's love for us
  • Human Unfaithfulness- inspite of this, He never abandoned us.
  • Sin- hurts and makes us stranger to ourselves, the community and God.
  • Sins hurts us and our loved ones- It lessens trust and weakens good relationship
  • Sin alienates us from ourselves- Sin makes us strangers to ourselves
  • Sin alienates us from others and the community- people step away from us
  • Si alienates us from God- We feel nobody in spite of the gift of adaption, a treachery of sin that we may continue to walk away from Him.
  • Venial Sin- sin that can be forgiven
  • Venial Sin- Excusable for it does not lead us directly to spiritual death
  • venia- pardon/forgiveness
  • Moral sin- sin which leads to spiritual death
    -Loses the promise of eternal life for us
    -Excludes us from the kingdom of God
    -Makes us deserving of everlasting punishment in hell
  • since are mortal when:
    First- The thought, desire, word, action/omission
  • sins are mortal when:
    Second- the sinner has full knowledge of the evil act
  • sins are mortal when:
    Third- sinner has full consent to it.
  • Bad Companions- People who lead us to sin
    -These people are careless of spiritual and well being.
  • Dance hall/Disco house- can be occasion of sin
    -Men and women tend to dress with extravagance and immodesty
  • Bars- Often hangouts and meeting places with others
  • Drinking liquor- means to unwind, relax, and celebrate. However, it weakens the body, both reason and will
  • Bad reading materials- such as articles, newspapers, magazines and books
    -Some are not obvious making them dangerous to some young readers
  • Motion, pictures, television- strong oaccasions of sin
  • Government agencies- they must continue to work hard o review the violence in movies, television, and radio programs
  • Cellphone and computer with internet connection- have played a vital role to the people.
  • Pornography- means for prostitution, avenue to destroy on one's reputation and credibility, and other illegal activities.
  • Combat sin- to do this, we need to remain in the state of grace and develop virtues
  • Sanctifying grace- Confers on our sole, Gd's presence making us hoy ones
  • Virtues- Good qualities/inclinations that can help us free from sinning