Damage caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and more
Physical trauma
Damage to the body caused by external force
Classifications of injury
Intentional injuries
Occur with purposeful intent and include homicide, suicide, domestic violence, sexual assault, bias related violence and firearms
Unintentional injuries
Occur without purposeful intent, such as burns, drowning, falls, poisoning and road traffic accidents leading cause of death and disability
Types of intentional injuries
Self-inflicted injuries
When a person harms himself/herself on purpose
When person/persons harm another on purpose
Examples of self-inflicted injuries
Domestic violence
Violence committed within the family or within other types of relationships where people live together, like spouse abuse, siblings hurting each other, or parents/maltreating their children
Acts included in domestic violence
Name-calling or putdowns
Keeping a partner from contacting his/her family friend
Withholding money/allowance or denying financial support