What Political parties opposed the Good Friday agreement?
DemocraticUnionistParty (DUP)
What is Direct Rule?
Control by a governing power over a territory. (Westminster take control over Northern Ireland when the NIA is suspended
Why do we have Direct Rule?
It is introduced when the UK Government feels that the devolved assembly is not functioning properly or efficiently.
Direct Rule was imposed in 1972 when the British Government lost confidence in the ability of the Unionist dominated Northern Ireland Parliament because….
Deal with the Troubles
Deliver much needed civil rightsreform.
Why do we have an SOSNI?
Emergency situations, which is given power when the assembly is suspended and can be a verypowerfulposition
What does the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (SOSNI) do?
They rule over NorthernIreland and makedecisions for the country when the assemblyisoutofpower and can’t make decisions/ affairs
How is the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland elected?
They are elected via the primeminister that are in power, they would be elected as the chief minister when they do
What is one positive aspect of having Direct Rule in Northern Ireland?
It allows for legislation to be passed in Westminster that would not have had any chance otherwise.
What types of legislation were introduced under Direct Rule in Northern Ireland?
Samesexmarriage and abortion reform were introduced under Direct Rule.
What are the benefits of Direct Rule in Northern Ireland?
Allows legislation to be passed that may nothave been possible otherwise
Provides politicalbreathing space to work on building a peacefulfuture
Establishes the N Ireland Select Committee forscrutiny of issues
Stopsmajorityrule and discriminationagainstCatholics
What committee was set up to deal with scrutiny of issues in Northern Ireland?
The NIrelandSelectCommittee was set up for this purpose.
How does Direct Rule affect the representation of Northern Irish MPs?
It allows NorthernIrishMPs to have a say through the N IrelandSelectCommittee.
What issue did Direct Rule help to address regarding Catholics in Northern Ireland?
It stoppedmajorityrule and discriminationagainstCatholics.
What is a consequence of direct rule in Northern Ireland?
It created a democratic deficit.
What does the term "democratic deficit" mean?
It refers to a lack of democratic legitimacy when institutionsfail to fulfill democraticprinciples.
Who was put in charge of Northern Ireland's major political decisions under direct rule?
An unelected Secretary of State from a political party that Northern Ireland voters could not vote for.
What was the impact of having an unelected Secretary of State on local voters in Northern Ireland?
Local voters had no choice over what issues were discussed,proposed, or passed.
What public issue caused anger among Northern Ireland residents during direct rule?
The possible introductionofwatercharges without local consultation.
How many Members of Parliament (MPs) from Northern Ireland were there in the UK Parliament?
18MPs out of 650.
What was the influence of Northern Ireland MPs on legislation during direct rule?
Northern Ireland MPs had littleinfluence in legislation.
What was a common issue with the laws passed during direct rule in Northern Ireland?
Laws were passed with littledebate or scrutiny.
Why might nationalist MPs object to legislation passed during direct rule?
Because SinnFéin will not sit in Westminster due to the oathofallegiance MPs have to take to the Queen.
Which political party's MPs do not participate in Westminster due to an oath of allegiance?
What happened in 1921
A Irish treaty divided Ireland into North & South
What agreement was signed in 1985?
The Anglo-IrishAgreement
What was the Anglo-Irish Agreement
The Anglo-Irish agreement gave the Irishrepublic a say in policymaking in NorthernIreland
What happened in 1993 with Downing Street
Decommissioningofarms under Senator George Micheal
What is Devolution?
Devolution is when certainlegislativepowers are passed down from a centrallegislation to an otherdemocraticregional intuition etc. Wales
What has Westminster Devolved into our government
Policing and Justice
What do Westminster still have power over
Armed Forces Defence policy
What are the terms do the Good Friday Agreement
Election of NorthernIreland Assembly
Prisonerrelease programme
North & South ministerialCouncil
Referendum on the terms
What does the North & South Ministerial Council do
Allows minsters from Dublin and Belfast to co-operate on the co-ordinatepolicy
What are the 3 strands of the Good Friday agreement
Strand 1) Powersharing and Executive
Strand 2)North and South dimension
Strand 3) British and Irish dimension
Strand 1 - Power sharing
The assembly would be created with MLAs being elected using a highly electoral system (SingleTransferablevote )
An executive committee would be established with ministerial position being allocated on the basis of the percentageofvotes received by each party
Strand 2 - North and South Dimension
MinisterCouncil was established for North and South
it was seen as a compromised between nationals demands from the Republic to play a meaningfulrole and unionist demands that it would have noactualexecutivepowers
Strand 3 - British and Irish Dimension
This was made to promoteco-operation between all the newly developed bodies with Westminster
this was essential to reassureunionists that the union was notunderthreat
When did Northern Ireland Assembly reopen and why did it?
It reopened 2007 because of the StAndrewsagreement and was signed, this lead to stormont being reopened
How many MLAs is there in Northern Ireland Assembly
What is the 3 Main functions of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Legislative - to passlaws
Scrutiny - checkup on laws and bills (9MLAscheck up on 1 out of the 9 minsters)