One of two kinds of motion, the other being rotational motion
Rotational motion
One of two kinds of motion, the other being linear motion
Constant state in linear motion
No changes in both magnitude and direction
Constant state in rotational motion
Magnitude remains the same, but there is a change in direction
Projection in linear motion
Mostly projected in one (1) or two (2) dimensions
Projection in rotational motion
Always projected in two (2) dimensions
Variables in linear and rotational motion
Position (x, θ)
Velocity (v, ω)
Mass (m, I)
Acceleration (a, α)
Force (F)
Time (t)
Torque (T)
The cross-product of force and the lever arm, where the force acts at a certain distance away from the axis
Torque is calculated as T = Fr = rF sin θ = la, where F is the delivering force, r is the lever arm, and θ is the displacement angle found in between the force and the lever arm
I is the rotational inertia
In linear motion, inertia is called inertia, while in rotational dynamics, inertia is referred to as the moment of inertia (rotational inertia)
Moment of inertia
The resistance of a rotating body to change its current state of rotation, dependent on both mass and the position of the object's axis (clockwise or counterclockwise)
Moment of inertia formulas: I = 1/2 mr^2 for a hoop, I = 2/5 mr^2 for a solid cylinder, I = 1/3 mr^2 for a solid sphere
Torque and angular momentum
1. Forces need to be in equilibrium to demonstrate static or constant behavior
2. Rotational motion follows the laws of motion
3. Rotational equilibrium explains how an object is rotating
Rotational equilibrium
A body is in rotational equilibrium if the sum of all torques (Tnet) acting on it is zero