Cards (20)

  • sends sensory informaton to your brain about smell?
    olfactory nerve
  • sensory nerve that involves vision?
    optic nerve
  • what is the two types of oculomotor?
    • muscle function
    • pupil response
  • provides motor function to the 4 of 6 muscles around eyes, helps eyes to move and focus to one object?
    muscle function
  • control the size of the pupil as it responds to light?
    pupil response
  • controls your superior obliques muscle
    • controls your superior obliques muscle
    • muscle that’s in charge of the eye movement downward, outward, inward
    Trochlear nerve
  • Opthalmic sends sensory input from upper part of face (upper eyelid, forehead, scalp)
  • Maxillary communicates sensory info in middle part of face (cheek, upper lip, nasal cavity)
  • Mandibular has both sensory and a motor function in lower part of the face (ears, lower lip, and chin)
    • Controls another muscle that’s associated with eye movement called lateral rectus muscle?
    • Looking side by side
    • Involves outside eye movement
    Abducens nerve
  • Sense of taste?
    Facial nerve
    • Supplying glands in head or neck area (salivary gland, tear producing gland)
    • Sending sensations in other parts of your ear?
    Facial nerve
  • cells with ears from sound based on loudness and pitch?
    cochlear portion
  • can track both linear and rotational movements
    used to adjust balance and equilibrium?
    vestibular portion
  • Has both motor and sensory (sinuses, back of throat, inner ear, back of tongue, sense of taste in back tongue?
    Glossopharyngeal nerve
  • stimulating voluntary moments of a muscle in the back of your throat?
  • Sensory part that provides sensation to the outer part of ear, throat, heart, and abdominal organ)
    Vagus nerve
  • Motor nerve that controls your neck?
    accessory nerve
  • 12th cranial nerve
    movement of most of the muscle in your tongue
    hypoglossal nerve