Situationism is a position that focuses on behavioural differences based on situations
Situationalspecificity is when a person acts in a specific way under particular circumstances
Strong situations refer to situations in which almost everyone reacts in a similar way. This includes funerals, and crowded elevators
The three ways personality traits interact with situations is by: situational selection, evocation, and manipulation
Situationalselection occurs when people choose their own situation or environment because of their personality traits (e.g., choosing to go out dancing)
Evocation occurs when certain personality traits may evoke specific responses from the environment
Manipulation refers to the means by which people intentionally influence behaviours of others (e.g. being charismatic or giving the silent treatment).
Aggregation is the process of adding up, averaging, single observations to better measure personality traits. It implies that traits refer to a person's average tendencies
Densitydistribution of states refers to how each trait is associated with specific states (e.g. extravert is the state of talking with others)
Three reasons employers will use personality testing are for personnel selection, integrity testing, and concerns over negligent hiring
Hogan'spersonalityinventory is based on Hogan's theory that within business and work groups, people want acceptance, status or control of resources, and predictability.
Hogan's personality inventory measures aspects of the Big 5 that are relevant to acceptance, status, and predictability. It also predicts occupational success
Rankorder stability is the maintaining of positions on a personality trait relative to others over time.
Personality coherence refers to the changes in manifestation of a trait over time. It is how a trait changes in its expression as we age.
Rothbort examined 6 factors of temperament and found that stable individual differences emerging in early life tend to persist throughout life
Childhood aggression was found to emerge in early life and retained rank stability
Traits of neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness show moderate to high levels of stability.
Personality consistency increases with age and peaks during people's 50s
Neuroticism tends to lower as people grow older. Whereas emotional stability and conscientiousness increases.
In therapy, neuroticism tends to decrease, while agreeableness and conscientiousness increase
Self-esteem increases in men as they age, while the opposite is seen in women. This is due to the fact that the transition from adolescence to adulthood is harder on women.
Sensation seeking increases with age, peaks at late adolescence and falls from there.
The three aspects of personality that are strong predictors of marital dissatisfaction is: neuroticism of the husband, lack of impulse control of the husband, and neuroticism of the wife. High levels of neuroticism are the strongest predictor of marital dissatisfaction.
Alcoholism and serious emotional issues are linked with men with high neuroticism and impulse control, as well as high sensation seeking, impulsivity and low agreeableness