parsons is a functionalist who focused on middle class nuclear family
Consensus theory
parsons argued that overtime the family has lost some of its functions with are nowperformed by otheragencies
Instrumental role of the father
Men are suitedtothisrole as breadwinner and provider for family'sphysical needs
Expressive role of the mother
Women are suited to this role as carer and nurturer,providing for emotionalneeds
Conflict theorists
Are critical as it presents an idealisedpicture of the nuclearfamily and ignores the darkside of familylife
Zaretsky 1976
Marxistperspective-Conflict perspective
Capitalism has created an illusion that the economy is separate from the 'private life' of the family
The family is unable to provide psychological and social needs of the individual: 'it...cannot meet the pressures of being the only refuge in a brutal society because it perpetuates the capitalist system'
Ways the family supports the capitalist economy
Relies on the housewiferole as unpaidlabour and reproducing the next generation of workers
Acts as an vitalunit of consumption
Only socialism will end the artificial separation of family and public life, making personalfulfilmentpossible
The family buys products which keeps businesses making money by making families consume and buy products
Aspects of family diversity
Cultural - values and beliefs
Life course-stage in lifecycle
Organisational-e.g.divisions of domesticlabour
Generational/Cohort-period in history
Social Class-e.g. how socialclassaffectsresources etc
Rapoport and Rapoport looked at secondarysources and argued that familydiversity now exists in society and that there isn't onetype of familyanymore
Lifecourse analysis supports this research as they argue that over the course of an individualslife they will experience several family and household structures
feminists argue that women are oppressed by patriarchy which is maintained through the family.
functionalistsbelieve that the family has functions such as socialisation, emotional support and reproduction.
Ann Oakley
Feminist perspective (liberal)
Conflict theory
Delphy and Leonard
Sociologists who focus on the unpaidaspect of housework (e.g. cooking, cleaning etc)
Delphy and Leonard'sview of the family
Based on a hierarchy with the husband at the top and makingmost of the decisions
Husbandearnsmoney,wifeworks in the household but earnsnomoney for doingso
Even when women have wellpaid, fulltimejobs, they still do most of the childcare
Delphy and Leonard argue menuse and benefit from the unpaidwork of women within families
Delphy and Leonard's view of wives
Exploited because the way their labour is used by their husbands
Their worknot being valued
Their financial dependence on their husbands
Their lower position in the family
Patriarchal family
Men hold the mostpower
Delphy and Leonard used secondarydata to come to these conclusions
delphy and Leonards thought that These roles are biological
These roles benefit the family as the needs of the family are met
the familyperforms2 function:
stabilisation of adultpersonalities(helping them deal with stress)
Conjugal roles are the roles of married or cohabiting partners
There are 2 types of conjugalroles
segregatedconjugalroles=tasks are divided into major and female,separateinterests and friends
joint conjugal roles=tasks are shared and the husband and wife share leisure time together
During early 20th century conjugal roles were segregated and unequal
zarersky was a Marxist who argued the modernfamily gives people the idea they have a safe haven that meets there needs away form work
However zaretsky argues the safe haven is a myth
May make individuals feel better in harsh capitalist world but it is unable to fix the harm caused by alienations
The feeling of fustration caused by capitalism as workers have a lack of control over their work and what they create
He see the family as benefiting the capitalistsystem
He sees the family as a unit of consumption eg the family buys goods which creates profits for the rich:)