
Cards (37)

  • parsons is a functionalist who focused on middle class nuclear family
  • Functionalist perspective
    Consensus theory
  • parsons argued that over time the family has lost some of its functions with are now performed by other agencies
  • Instrumental role of the father

    Men are suited to this role as breadwinner and provider for family's physical needs
  • Expressive role of the mother
    Women are suited to this role as carer and nurturer, providing for emotional needs
  • Conflict theorists
    Are critical as it presents an idealised picture of the nuclear family and ignores the dark side of family life
  • Zaretsky 1976
    Marxist perspective-Conflict perspective
  • Capitalism has created an illusion that the economy is separate from the 'private life' of the family
  • The family is unable to provide psychological and social needs of the individual: 'it...cannot meet the pressures of being the only refuge in a brutal society because it perpetuates the capitalist system'
  • Ways the family supports the capitalist economy
    • Relies on the housewife role as unpaid labour and reproducing the next generation of workers
    • Acts as an vital unit of consumption
  • Only socialism will end the artificial separation of family and public life, making personal fulfilment possible
  • The family buys products which keeps businesses making money by making families consume and buy products
  • Aspects of family diversity
    • Cultural - values and beliefs
    • Life course-stage in life cycle
    • Organisational-e.g. divisions of domestic labour
    • Generational/Cohort-period in history
    • Social Class-e.g. how social class affects resources etc
  • Rapoport and Rapoport looked at secondary sources and argued that family diversity now exists in society and that there isn't one type of family anymore
  • Life course analysis supports this research as they argue that over the course of an individuals life they will experience several family and household structures
  • feminists argue that women are oppressed by patriarchy which is maintained through the family.
  • functionalists believe that the family has functions such as socialisation, emotional support and reproduction.
  • Ann Oakley
  • Feminist perspective (liberal)
    Conflict theory
  • Delphy and Leonard
    Sociologists who focus on the unpaid aspect of housework (e.g. cooking, cleaning etc)
  • Delphy and Leonard's view of the family
    • Based on a hierarchy with the husband at the top and making most of the decisions
    • Husband earns money, wife works in the household but earns no money for doing so
    • Even when women have well paid, full time jobs, they still do most of the childcare
  • Feminists
    Delphy and Leonard argue men use and benefit from the unpaid work of women within families
  • Delphy and Leonard's view of wives
    • Exploited because the way their labour is used by their husbands
    • Their work not being valued
    • Their financial dependence on their husbands
    • Their lower position in the family
  • Patriarchal family

    Men hold the most power
  • Delphy and Leonard used secondary data to come to these conclusions
  • delphy and Leonards thought that These roles are biological
  • These roles benefit the family as the needs of the family are met
  • parsons
    the family performs 2 function:
    • primary socialisation
    • stabilisation of adult personalities( helping them deal with stress)
  • Conjugal roles are the roles of married or cohabiting partners
  • There are 2 types of conjugal roles
    • segregated conjugal roles= tasks are divided into major and female, separate interests and friends
    • joint conjugal roles=tasks are shared and the husband and wife share leisure time together
  • During early 20th century conjugal roles were segregated and unequal
  • zarersky was a Marxist who argued the modern family gives people the idea they have a safe haven that meets there needs away form work
  • However zaretsky argues the safe haven is a myth
  • Zaretsky-alienation
    May make individuals feel better in harsh capitalist world but it is unable to fix the harm caused by alienations
  • Alienation
    The feeling of fustration caused by capitalism as workers have a lack of control over their work and what they create
  • Zaretsky
    He see the family as benefiting the capitalist system
  • Zaretsky
    He sees the family as a unit of consumption eg the family buys goods which creates profits for the rich:)