Pm relationship with cabinet

Cards (4)

  • why is the relationship between the PM and cabinet harmonious and fruitful?
    • the cabinet is selected purely by the PM and requires no approval from parliament
    • the PM and the cabinet are usually from the same political party, coalition government being the exception
  • why do most PMs experience fractious relations with the cabinet?
    • political parties are broad so contain a variety of views - factions emerge
    • most cabinets contain 'big beasts' politicians who are too senior or popular to leave out - BoJo
    • as cabinets contain bright MPs they also are individuals with ambitions and high egos
    • factions often gather around strong individuals
    • each minister is lobbying for departmental resources and wants priority given to their department's financial demands
  • powers and resources of the cabinet:
    • enjoys fewer resources than the PM
    • too much dissent and you're sidelined or demoted
    • certain departments are more prestigious than others
    • press coverage refers to winners and losers
  • powers of the cabinet
    • most ministers run their own department and enjoy a fair degree of autonomy - PMs wouldn't want to micromanage their ministers
    • they have their own links to the media - sometimes ministers used to leak policy arrangements they disagree with.
    • powerful ministers can refuse to be shuffled - jeremy Hunt 2018
    • their biggest power is resignation of their own accord - BoJo 2019