4th qtr comp

Cards (33)

  • Canvas
    Background for sprites to appear and move
  • Balls/Image Sprites
    Can be controlled by user interaction and by coding
  • Screen
    Considered the "parent"
  • Fill parent
    Fill the page
  • Canvas.Flung Event
    Transfers the speed and heading of the fling to set the Ball's movement
  • TinyDB.StoreValue
    Storing data
  • TinyDB.GetValue
    Retrieving stored data
  • Latitude
    Measured with 0 at the equator
  • Longitude
    Measured with 0 at prime meridian
  • Circle
    Visualises a circle of a given radius
  • FeatureCollection
    One or more map features as a group
  • LineString
    Drawing an open continuous sequence of lines on map
  • Map
    Two-dimensional containers
  • Marker
    Indicates point on a map
  • Navigation
    Generates directions between two locations using a service called OpenRouteService
  • Polygon
    Arbitrary 2-dimensional area on a map
  • Rectangles
    Polygons with fixed latitudes and longitudes
  • CloudDB
    Store data on internet connected database server (using redis software)
  • File

    Storing and retrieving files
  • TinyDB
    Stores data for an app
  • TinyWebDB
    Communicates with a web service to store and retrieve information
  • ActivityStarter
    Launch an activity using the StartActivity method
  • BluetoothClient
    Connect your device to other devices using bluetooth
  • BluetoothServer
    Turn your device into a server that receive connections from other apps that use the bluetoothclient component
  • Serial
    Used to connect to devices like arduino
  • Web
    Provides functions for HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
  • NxtDrive
    High-level interface to a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot
  • NxtColorSensor
    High-level interface to a color sensor on a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot
  • NxtLightSensor
    High-level interface to a light sensor on a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robot
  • NxtSoundSensor
    Can detect both decibels and adjusted decibel. Decibel is a measurement of sound pressure
  • NxtTouchSensor
    Allows the robot to sense when it is touching objects. Reads true or false indicating wether or not it is being pressed
  • NxtUltrasonicSensor
    Measures distance between NXT LEGO MINDSTORMS and the nearest object in front of the sensor
  • NxtDirectCommands
    Lego mindstorms nxt robot, with functions to send nxt direct commands