Cards (54)

  • Why is the protection of trademarks important?
    Trademarking Protects Your Brand
  • Intellectual Property
    any property resulting from intellectual and creative processes
  • Trademark

    distinctive word, symbol, sound, or design that identifies the manufacturer as the source of particular goods and distinguishes its products from those made or sold by others
  • Statutory protection of trademarks
    Protection is provided by the lanham act of 1946
    Trademark Dilution
  • Trademark Dilution Revision Act (TRDA)

    Plaintiff owns distinctive famous mark
    Defendant uses mark allegedly diluting famous mark
    Association between the marks
    Association is likely to impair distinctiveness
  • How does the law protect patents ?

    Patents grant inventors the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, importing, or selling the invention in the United States.
  • What is patentable ?

    invention must be novel, useful, and not obvious in light of current technology
  • What is not patentable ?
    laws of nature
    natural phenomena
    abstract ideas
  • Patent Infringement
    The manufacture, use or sale of another's product or design without permission (license) is patent infringement
  • Remedies For Patent Infringement
    Sue for relief
    Seek an injunction against the infringer
    Request damages for royalties and lost profits
    Seek reimbursement for attorneys fees and costs
  • What laws protect authors rights in the works they create ?
    Copyright, a form of intellectual property law,
  • Copyrights
    intangible property right granted by federal statute to the author or originator of certain literary or artistic productions
  • How are copyrights registered ?

    Copyrights can be registered with the U.S copyright office but registration is not required
  • what are copyright owners protected against ?
    Reproduction of the work
    Development of derivative works
    Distribution of the work
    Public display of the work
  • what are trade secrets ?
    is a formula, device, idea, process, or other information used in a business that gives the owner a competitive advantage in the marketplace
  • what laws offer protection for this form of intellectual property ?
    section 757 of the restatement of torts
  • liability of section 757 restatement torts applies only if

    they discovered the secret by improper means or/and their disclosure or use constitutes a breach of a duty owed to the other party.
  • How does the TRIPS AGREEMENT protect intellectual property worldwide ?
    Makes sure all countries have basic standards for patents, trademarks, copyrights,

    Helps protect ideas and inventions globally while encouraging fair trade
  • Generic Terms

    an entire class of products receive no protection, even if they acquire secondary meanings
  • Service mark
    Trademark that is used to distinguish the services (rather than the products) of one person or company from those of another
  • Certification Mark
    used to indicate that goods or services meet certain standards or qualifications set by an organization or authority.
  • Collective Mark
    used by members of an organization, association, or collective group to identify their goods or services as being from a particular group or organization.
  • Counterfeit Goods
    Counterfeit goods copy or otherwise imitate trademarked goods but are not genuine
  • Trade Dress
    The image and overall appearance of a product

    broad concept that can include all or part of the total image or overall impression created by a product and its packaging
  • Stop Counterfeiting In Manufactured Goods Act (SCMGA)

    it is a crime to traffic in counterfeit goods and services
  • penalties for counterfeiting
    Up to $2 million or imprisonment for up to 10 years (more if repeat offenders)
  • Combating online sales of counterfeit goods
    U.S officials use court orders to shut down websites that sell foreign counterfeit goods
  • Trade Name
    name that is a business uses to identify itself and its brand
  • Trade name is related to ?
    a business reputation and goodwill and is protected under trademark law
  • licensing
    Agreement that permits use of trademark, copyright, patent, or trade secret for limited purposes
  • name of owner of license
  • name of user of license
  • Patents
    property right granted by the federal government that gives an inventor an exclusive right to make, use, sell, or offer to sell an invention in the United States for a limited time
  • What is protected expression ?
    Work must be original
  • Section 102 exclusions
    - Anything that is not original expression
    - facts known to public
    - page numbers
    - math calculations
    - ideas
  • Compilations of facts
    may be copyrightable if the resulting compilation constitutes an original work of authorship
  • copyright infringement
    occurs when form or expression is copied. It does not have to be in its entirety
  • remedies for copyright infringement
    actual damages statutory damages, or criminal penalties
  • The "Fair Use" Exception
    the use of copyrighted material for the purposes of criticism, comment, new reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research is not an infringement of copyright
  • guidelines determine fair use exception
    - The purpose and character of the use
    - The nature of the copyrighted work
    - The amount and substantiality of the portion in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
    - The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work