All items used in surgery must be pre-sterilized
Sterile Individuals only touch sterile items, and vice versa for non-sterile individuals
Sterile personnel avoid unsterile areas, maintaining a 12-inch distance from them
When unsure of an item's sterility, treat it as unsterile
Gowns are sterile from the front waist to shoulder and sleeves to 2 inches above elbows
Keep hands visible and above waist level. Don't touch face.
Don't fold arms; items dropped below waist are discarded
Sterile staff stay within sterile zones. When passing; face or turn back to non-sterile people, face sterile zones, and have non-sterile individuals step aside
To sneeze or cough, step back; turn head away for perspiration or while draping a patient
10. Sterile staff stay in the OR; don't wander
11. Limit contact with sterile zones; avoid leaning on tables, draped patients, or trays.
12. Observers: remain in room until the procedure ends, Reduce chatter. Any questions? Ask the circulating nurse.