Psych 8

Cards (45)

  • Plasticity in the Brain
    • Brains change as we develop (biological factors) and as we encounter things in our environments (environmental factors)
    • Neuroplasticity: potential for physical or chemical change
    • Enhances our nervous system's adaptability
  • Learning
    • Enduring change in an organism's behaviour as a result of experience
    • Need to be able to observe changes to conclude learning has taken place
  • Memory
    • Ability to recall or recognize previous experience
    • Mental representation of a previous experience
    • Engram (memory trace): physical change in the brain connected to that mental representation
  • Challenges in Studying Learning
    • How do we define behaviour?
    • Observing leaning can be complicated
    • Learning can include making a response or not making a response
    • Learning creates a change in behaviour, but behaviour can change for other reasons, too!
  • What isn't Learning
    • Changes in bodily state
    • Change in environment
    • Fatigue
    • Maturation
  • How Can We Study Learning
    • Experimentation (usually in the lab)
    • Allows for control of the environmental stimuli
    • Compare behaviour between two groups (usually experimental group and control group)
  • Why Have Complicated Experiments
  • Conditioning
    • Learning
    • Conditioned = learned
  • Association
    Learned link between things
  • Acquisition
    • Process of learning an association
    • Acquiring a link between things
  • Pavlovian Conditioning
    • Respondent conditioning, classical conditioning
    • Unlearned behaviours become associated with previously neutral stimuli
    • Learning relationships between events allows us to predict the occurrence of an event
  • Pavlovian Conditioning Terms
    • Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
    • Unconditioned Response (UR)
    • Neutral Stimulus (NS)
    • Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
    • Conditioned Response (CR)
  • Pavlovian Conditioning
    1. Before conditioning: Neutral stimulus (NS) produces no response, Unconditioned stimulus (US) produces the unconditioned response (UR)
    2. During conditioning: Neutral stimulus (NS) paired with the unconditioned stimulus (US)
    3. After conditioning: Neutral stimulus (NS) is now the conditioned stimulus (CS) and produces the conditioned response (CR)
  • Fear Conditioning Mechanisms
    • Neural circuits in the cerebellum mediate most forms of stimulus-response learning
    • Fear is an emotional response and produces activation in the amygdala
    • Although eyeblink and fear conditioning are Pavlovian conditioning processes, different brain areas mediate learning
  • Operant Conditioning
    • Instrumental conditioning
    • Learning that is controlled by the consequences of the organisms behaviour
    • Learn the association between making a response and having a specific consequence occur
    • Learning that our actions can make a certain event occur in the environment through experience
  • E. L. Thorndike's Law of Effect
    • "If a response, in the presence of a stimulus, is followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the bond between stimulus and response will be strengthened."
    • Satisfaction = stamping in
    • Discomfort = stamping out
  • Operant Conditioning
    1. Stimulus
    2. Response
    3. Outcome
  • Operant Conditioning Mechanisms

    • Operant learning is not localized to any particular brain circuit
    • Necessary circuits vary with the task requirements
  • Types of Memory
    • Implicit memory (aka procedural memory)
    • Explicit memory (aka declarative memory)
  • Amnesia
    • Anterograde amnesia: loss of ability to assimilate and retain new knowledge
    • Retrograde amnesia: loss of memory for events that have happened in the past
  • Priming
    • Using a stimulus to sensitize the nervous system to a later presentation of the same or a similar stimulus
    • Unconscious learning
  • Learned actions
    Testing for improvements in motor actions
  • Encoding and Processing Memories
    • Brain processes explicit and implicit information differently
    • Implicit information processed in a bottom-up or data-driven manner
    • Explicit information processed in a top-down or conceptually driven manner
  • Short-term memory
    • Information held in memory only briefly, then discarded
    • Involves the frontal lobe
  • Long-term memory
    • Information held in memory indefinitely, perhaps for a lifetime
    • Involves the temporal lobe
  • Storing Memories
    • Jeffrey Binder and colleagues (2009)
    • Meta-analysis of 120 fMRI semantic memory studies
    • Evidence for network of seven different left-hemisphere regions, including regions of the parietal lobe, temporal lobe, prefrontal cortex, and posterior cingulate cortex
    • Not all regions active at once when a semantic memory is stored
    • Subregions relatively specialized for specific object characteristics or types of knowledge
    • This identified network similar to "default network"
    • Issue because activity during rest is similar to activity during cognitive tasks
    • Semantic processing constitutes large component of cognitive activity evenduring passive states
  • Episodic or Autobiographical Memory
    • Memory for events/episodes we have experienced
    • What we did, who was there, where we were, etc.
    • Linked to specific place and time contexts
    • Involves the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and hippocampus, and the pathways between them
  • Function of the Hippocampus
    • Hippocampal injury associated with poor episodic memory
    • Reduced hippocampal activity during episodic memory versus controls
    • Associated with impaired episodic memory
    • Increased vmPFC activity during memory retrieval as a result of partial compensation for hippocampal dysfunction
  • Superior Autobiographical Memory
    • Highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM)
    • Show superior personal memories but not superior cognitive functioning
    • Still susceptible to false memories
    • Increased grey matter in temporal and parietal lobes
    • Increased connectivity between temporal and frontal lobes
  • Dissociating Memory Circuits
    • Karl Lashley searched unsuccessfully for the neural circuits underlying memories
    • Severity of memory disturbance related to size, not location, of injury
  • Primary Structures for Explicit Memory
    • Medial temporal region
    • Entorhinal cortex
    • Parahippocampal cortex
    • Perirhinal cortex
    • Hippocampus
    • Amygdala
    • Prefrontal cortex
  • Parahippocampal cortex
    • Visuospatial processing
    • Receives connections from the parietal cortex
  • Perirhinal cortex
    • Visual object memory
    • Receives connections from the visual regions of the ventral stream
  • Entorhinal cortex
    • Integration
    • Receives projections from parahippocampal and perirhinal cortices
  • Hippocampus
    • Organisms with good visuospatial memory have larger hippocampi
    • Lesions to hippocampus impairs ability to learn and use visuospatial information
    • E.g., visual–recognition and object-position tasks
  • Spatial Cells in Hippocampal Formation
    • Place cells: discharge when rats are in a spatial location, regardless of orientation
    • Head direction cells: discharge whenever a rat's head points in a particular direction
    • Grid cells: discharge at many locations, forming a virtual grid invariant to changes in the rat's direction, movement, or speed
  • Reciprocal Connections

    • Neocortex projects to entorhinal cortex, which projects back to neocortex
    • Signals from the medial temporal regions to cortical sensory regions keep sensory experience alive in the brain so the neural record outlasts the experience
    • Pathway back to the neocortex means it is kept apprised of the information processed in medial temporal regions
    • Frontal lobe's role in explicit memory is subtler than that of the medial temporal lobe
  • Frontal Lobe and Short-Term Memory
    • All sensory systems project to frontal lobes
    • During tasks in which monkeys must keep information in short-term memory over a delay, certain cells in the frontal cortex will fire throughout the delay
    • Animals that have not learned the task show no such cell activity
  • Neural Circuit for Explicit Memories
    • Sensory and motor neocortical areas connect to medial temporal regions
    • Basal forebrain structures maintain appropriate activity levels in other forebrain structures
    • Temporal lobe central to long-term explicit memory formation
    • Prefrontal cortex central to maintaining temporary (short term) explicit memories and memory for the recency (chronological order) of explicit events