Cards (15)

  • Automaticity
    • behaviour that can be performed easily with little effort through repetition
  • Guidelines for Maintaining Automaticity in L2 Classrooms

    1. focused on the use of language
    2. do not overwhelm them with a focus on form
    3. When focusing on form, modify or correct errors when appropriate
    4. Have a lot of activities focusing on developing their fluencyfocus on meaning
    5. Have patience
  • Transfer
    a process of making meaningful associations between a learner's existing knowledge, to the new material to be learned
  • Guidelines for Maximizing TRANSFER in L2 Classrooms

    1. Create classroom activities based on the student's backgrounds, interests, personalities, likes and dislikes
    2. When introducing new grammar review previously learned material
    3. As you teach one skill area, connect what students are learning to other skills
    4. Don't overdo grammar explanations and drills
  • Reward
    Human beings are universally driven to act, or "behave", in anticipation of reward.
  • Guidelines for Implementing THE REWARD PRINCIPLE in L2 Classrooms

    1. Provide optimal degree of verbal praise as a short term reward
    2. Capitalize cooperative group work
    3. Display enthusiasm and excitement in classroom
    4. Encourage learners to see the intrinsic, long-term rewards
    5. Give students some choices in types of activities– develop sense of "ownership"
  • Self-Regulation
    learners' ability to take charge of their learning
  • Guidelines for Maximizing SELF-REGULATION in L2 Classrooms

    1. Help beginners to develop autonomy through guided practice,
    2. Implement activities that allows creativity
    3. Encourage students to set some goals for their self-regulated learning
    4. Help them to become aware of their own preferences, styles, strengths, and weaknesses
    5. Share some of the "secrets" of your success in language learning
    6. Conduct pair and group work
    7. Praise students for trying language
    8. Suggest opportunities for students to use their language outside of class
  • Identity & Investment
    a complex process of perceiving yourself as an integral part of a social community.
  • Guidelines for Optimizing Identity & investment in L2 Classrooms

    1. display supportive attitudes to your students
    2. Give your students credit for existence abilities
    3. Consider fragility of students
    4. Consider learners' identity development when deciding on who to call.
    5. Give your students opportunities to make choices as much as possible
  • Interaction is the learners are engaged both in enhancing their own communicative abilities and constructing their identities through collaboration and negotiation.
  • Guidelines for maximizing INTERACTION in L2 Classrooms

    1. Give verbal and nonverbal assurances to students
    2. Sequence techniques from easier to more difficult
    3. Create an atmosphere that encourages students to try out languages
    4. Provide reasonable challenges in your techniques
    5. Help your students to understand what calculated risk-taking is
    6. Respond to students' attempts with positive affirmation
  • Languaculture
    Whenever you teach a language, you also teach a complex system of cultural customs, values, and ways of thinking.
  • Guidelines for incorporating LANGUACULTURE in L2 Classrooms

    1. Discuss cross-cultural differences, emphasizing that no culture is "better" than another
    2. Include activities and materials that illustrates the connection between language and culture
    3. Teach your students cultural connotations – politeness, humour, slang, "small talk", etc
    4. Screen your techniques for material that may be culturally offensive
    5. Stress the importance of the L2 as a powerful tool for adjustment in a new culture
  • Agency, is the ability of learners to make choices, take control within a sociocultural context.