Factualtext , informs the structor persuades the reader or listener by giving facts of information
Literary text , are pieces of writing that tells a story to entertain
relevance , is how appropriate something is to what is being said
Consider the source, investigate the site you are viewing
Read beyond, headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks
Checktheauthor, do a quick search on the author to find out they are real and credible
checkthedate, reposting old stories does not mean theyre relevant
check you biases, consider your own belief could affect you judgement
Discussingtext also known as "argumentative text/content" present an issue surrounding a particular topic
Argumentative Content tries to change the readers mind by convincing them to agree with the writer point of view
Introduction is the introductory paragraph it introduces the problem and gives background information needed for the argument
Body the body of the essay contains the reasons it is three or more paragrahps that explain the reason why you support your thesis
Conclusion it summarizes all of the arguments made in the body paragraphs
Testimonialevidence statement of truth from a certain person
Statistical evidence are the result of research or surveys that can never be proven
Anecdotal evidence are collected in a casual or informal manner relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony
Analogical based on the idea that two or more things are similar in some aspects
Questions of fact are those that ask you to answer whether or not something is true , yes or no
Questions of value address the relative merit ( goodness or badness) of something. here , you are asked to choose between things
Questionsofpolicy ask the writer to explain what they would do , the key word is " should " the questions ask the writer to make a plan of action to solve some sort of problem
persuasivetext writing offers the opportunity to convince the reader to adapt a particular view point