Cards (189)

    The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database
  • SELECT Statement Syntax:
    SELECT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName;
  • Example SELECT: Return the Customer Name and City they are from, from Customers table

    • SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers
  • Example SELECT: Return all columns from the Customers table
    • SELECT * FROM Customers
    The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct values
    • SELECT DISTINCT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName;
  • Example DISTINCT: Select the different countries from the Customers table
    • SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customers
  • Example DISTINCT in COUNT(): Count Distinct Countries
    • SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Country) FROM Customers
    The WHERE Clause is used to filter records. Used to extract only those records that fulfill a specific condition.
  • WHERE Clause Syntax: SELECT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName WHERE condition;
  • Example WHERE: Select all customers from Mexico
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Mexico'
  • Text Fields vs. Numeric Fields: text fields require 'single quotes', numeric fields don't require single quotes, so you can just type the number
  • Example WHERE: Select all customers where CustomerID = 1

    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = 1
  • Operators in the WHERE Clause

    • = Equal to
    • < Less Than
    • > Greater Than
    • <= Less than Equal to
    • >= Greater than Equal to
    • <> Not equal to
    • LIKE
    • IN
    The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order
  • ORDER BY Syntax: SELECT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName ORDER BY columnName, columnName, ... ASC|DESC;
  • Example ORDER BY: Sort the products by price
    • SELECT * FROM Products ORDER BY Price
  • ORDER BY sorts records in default order (ascending). To sort records in descending order use DESC.
  • For string values the ORDER BY keyword will order alphabetically (a - z) which means DESC(z - a)
  • Example: ORDER BY several columns (1st column then, 2nd column if 1st column contains duplicates)
    • SELECT * FROM Customer ORDER BY Country, CustomerName
  • Example ORDER BY: You can use both ASC & DESC, to sort 1 column ASC, and 1 column DESC
    • SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY Country ASC, CustomerName DESC
    The WHERE clause can contain one or many AND operators. The AND operator is used to filter records based on more than one condition.
  • AND in WHERE Syntax: SELECT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName, ... WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3 ...
  • Example: select all customers from Spain that starts with the letter 'G'
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Spain' AND CustomerName LIKE 'G%'
  • AND operator displays a record if ALL the conditions are TRUE. OR operator displays a record if ANY of the conditions are TRUE.
  • Example AND in WHERE: the following SQL selects all fields from Customers where country is "Germany" AND City is "Berlin" AND PostalCode is higher than 1200

    • SELECT * FROM customers WHERE Country = 'Germany' AND City = 'Berlin', AND PostalCode > 1200
  • Example AND + Nested OR: select all Spanish customers that start with either "G" or "R"

    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Spain' AND (CustomerName LIKE 'G%' OR CustomerName LIKE 'R%')
  • SQL OR
    OR operator is used to filter records based on more than one condition
  • OR in WHERE Syntax: SELECT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName, ... WHERE condition1 OR condition2 OR condition3 ...
  • Example OR in WHERE: select all customers from Germany or Spain

    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'Germany' OR Country = 'Spain'
    NOT operator is used in combination with other operators to give the opposite result, also called the negative result.
  • NOT Syntax: SELECT columnName, columnName, ... FROM tableName, tableName WHERE NOT condition;
  • Example NOT: select only the customers that are NOT from Spain
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE NOT Country = 'Spain'
  • Example NOT: select customers that does not start with the letter 'A'
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerName NOT LIKE 'A%'
  • Example NOT, AND & BETWEEN: select customers with a CustomerID not between 10 and 60
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 60
  • Example NOT IN: select customers that are not from Paris or London
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City NOT IN ('Paris', 'London')
  • Example NOT: select customers with a CustomerID not greater than 50
    • SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE NOT CustomerID > 50
    Used to insert new records into a table
  • Syntax: INSERT INTO tableName (columnName, columnName, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); INSERT INTO tableName VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
  • Example: insert a new record in the customers table

    • INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, City, Country) VALUES('Cardinal', 'Stavenger', 'Norway')